Pokemon GO! (2016)

You should have an incubator in your inventory, put the egg in that and take a walk of the required distance to hatch a pokemon.

Found it, I had to go into the Pokémon menu and swipe left to show the eggs.

I assume the rustling in the map is meant to indicate there is a Pokémon in that area? I walked to one of these rustling but never found anything.
Found it, I had to go into the Pokémon menu and swipe left to show the eggs.

I assume the rustling in the map is meant to indicate there is a Pokémon in that area? I walked to one of these rustling but never found anything.

I noticed that too but there's nothing there.
Pro tip: at pokestops after spinning the sign to earn pokeballs/potions etc, rather than clicking on each item, just press the X to close that pokestops and it gives you all the items anyway.
Just seen this on someone's instagram.

So many people out playing this. Grouped up with about 10 other randoms before splitting up to head elsewhere with a couple hours.
Must have been out for about 3 hours. Everywhere we went, there were people on it.

Was just happy to get out the house, and speaking to folk.
I'm pretty jelly of u city folk TBH

Its QUITE fun in a small town, but I know looking at the town centre jut how good it could be if I lived in a city ;)
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I've just went for a drive playing this and we headed to a lure at the Sea Terminal and there were a group of 10ish people and 2 guys in a van who coincidentally all left as soon as the lure disappeared :D. It's great seeing so many people playing.
Just seen this on someone's instagram.


That's one of the issues of this Pokemon game compared to real Pokemon...

In this game Pokemon must grow in cp... In Pokemon it's easier to level up low level Pokemon as you get later into the game, rather than needing to catch say... 100 magikarp to get a gyarados. Plus exp share ensure your lower level Pokemon can catch up quickly.

When you battle online you put a level 50 or level 100 setting on and it equalises your pokemons at the same level for you and your opponent. Then it comes down to skills, move sets and typings etc, rather than who
S Pokemon has the highest cp.

Therefore The player with the best skill, who trained their Pokemon the best will likely win, rather than someone who just has a higher cp....
Will the UK release reset progress? Not sure if it want to put to much time into it if so. I take the long way home from work just for this game lol, there is a ton of pokestops and gyms, but the short way home has nothing!
Saw an article on BBC News this mornign saying Nintendo's shares are 50% up due to this alone. Shame I didn't dump a load of money into Nintendo a month ago :p
So sat down at the local park last night with the missus, dropped a lure and an incense.

30 minutes and I got NOTHING. She had about 10 personal spawns just sitting there. FML.

At least I finally hatched a pikachu this morning, and caught a Cloyster at a train station.
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