Pokemon GO! (2016)

Downloaded it earlier, but cant bloody sign up to create a Pokemon account because the servers are still busy apparently :mad:
Since the uk release of this, evertime I catch one it just hangs on the ball so I need to force close and reload. Still uses up a ball though and since I'm nowhere near a pokestop it's getting annoying

Yeop the servers are seriously struggling. Every time I throw a ball of gets stuck
Just went to Bath and everyone was playing it! Loads were drawn to a park area it was crazy! Everyone was happy and a few smoking naughty stuff! Stank! But thats pokemon!
Ive only just installed it on my phone, but I have a few silly questions:

- from what ive seen you can only catch pokemon, there is no battling with pokemon/other trainers apart from at gyms, is this correct?

- and why would i bother to catch the same pokemon twice?

- do pokemon spawn randomly or are there specific spawn points for specific pokemon? How fast do they respawn?


EDIT: one last one - the footsteps indicate how far away a pokemon is, but how do you find which direction it is in?

PVP is coming at some point, only gym battles at the moment.
Catching multiples of the same pokemon is the most effective way to level by evolving the cheaper ones lots.
Semi random but fish generally spawn in water and the like. :)

As for the footsteps, open the pokemon near me page, pick one to track, walk along, if it goes up the list its getting closer, if it goes down change direction. Keep walking till you zero in on it. Can be a fair distance away if its a 3 step.
Seems they haven't solved the server issues prior to the UK launch then. Still flaky as hell and keeps getting stuck when catching Pokemon.

I'm again out of Pokeballs. I could work from home tomorrow but I'm going to go into the office just so I can grab supplies from all the Pokestops in the high street :p
Yeah servers are bad, they either underestimated the demand or are just being cheap. :) (Or dodgy code.....)

Almost given up trying to play at "peak" times.
So I downloaded it today, and have seen so many people around London playing, kinda crazy seeing so many "zombies" roaming around staring at their phones.
Had tonnes of evolves ready to do and was approaching a gym near home so popped a lucky egg (this is after wasting one earlier in the day as I used one then someone called a meeting, how inconsiderate), had about 6 different freezes which I had to force close, as well as loads of 'couldn't evolve pidgey due to an unknown error'. The gym was also really buggy and I managed one attack in about 8 minutes so I gave up as it was my team already so would have taken lots of attacks to get prestige down.

Only just managed to evolve the ones I had ready, let alone do much else. Still went up from level 11.75 to 14.5 so pretty good, but definitely missed out on quite a bit of bonus xp. I guess be careful when you used your lucky eggs, if indeed the extra freezing I just had is due to 'peak time'.
I live virtually in the sticks and not a pokemon for a couple of miles around. I went to a drive round the village as I needed to go get some eggs from a local farmer. Not an encounter...unless driving means Pokemons can't load up quick enough. Loads around Winchester centre though when I went for a walk earlier. But server/GPS issues meant actually catching many was a pain.
I've been in London today and the number of people playing this game is incredible. In restaurants, bars, walking down the street - everywhere.

There's a certain novelty factor, but the initial adoption is huge.
Was just chilling in my bedroom. I'm in a fairly quiet area, so not really a lot of pokemon around. Then all of a sudden an eevee popped up on the map. Which was just too far away to not be able to get it within my bedroom. So I literally went down the stairs and outside without any shoes on. And the eevee vanished! Gaaaaar!!! Moments later a weedle appeared though, so I caught that. And then the eevee showed up again!


The game froze when I threw the ball at it, but after restarting the capture had been recorded. So its mine! :D

.... I can't believe I left my house at 8.30 at night to capture a Pokémon....
Is this game being blocked on my mobile network?
Works on WiFi and mobile browser works on mobile data. But not the game
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