Pokemon GO! (2016)

If you want to fight some tough gyms then get to the two outside Buckingham palace. There was constant fighting and they were full of charizard and vaporean.

I had a good blast on the one at my local station this morning. I also had a lot of battles at the one on parliament hill in Hampstead Heath. Me and another valor player managed to hold it for quite a long time. I noticed my timer for when get more coins was going down from where it was earlier when I lost the gym at my station. Even when you lose the gym it looks like the timer doesn't reset.

Server is back up for me now.

Actually my gym timer is still going down now even though I'm not in a gym. So hopefully I will get some more coins when I take down a gym tomorrow.
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meh, seemed to be working so went for petrol. Epic fail, constant lock ups, couldn't battle any gyms(gets to the "go" bit then freezes/kicks you out), couldn't login, more freezes, couldnt open the shop to cash in the one gym I manged to acquire. :(

Works perfectly in the mornings, totally appears to be server load. Will stick to early morning and pre lunch playing. :)

Just buy some more ffs before you lose all these players!
Getting tired of tiny pokemons now :( always pidgeys or rats.

I used to hate them too but realised they are the best way to level up. Get a high turnover of these Pokemon and transfer them for candy. Evolve the rest when you have enough. Keep doing it and ditching those and the evolved ones. Keep only 1 or 2 of the highest CP ones.
Well I'm away with work and with nothing going spare I drove 15mins into Lincoln and went for a wander. Walked about 10k and the whole time servers were perfect. Lincoln is amazing with it being decent size and being extremely historic you couldn't move for pokestop so I overfilled my inventory, grew a level as I caught a metric tonne of Pokemon.

Ignoring duplicates caught for levelling I caught a Venonat, Cleefary, Seadra, Poliwag, Egexecute, Meowth and a Ghastly. Nothing seismic but a great haul and good for my fitness. It was crazy the amount of people wandering around playing and in a few places with adjacent pokestop next to bars/cafes they were hammered with lures. Next to the canal on top of the bar patrons must have been around 40 or so people hanging around where the stops overlapped.

I'm here again tomorrow night so tempted to take another wander, may even have dinner down the front where all the stops overlap :p

Came across this the other day, nowhere near Lincoln myself but sounds perfect for you! :D

I used to hate them too but realised they are the best way to level up. Get a high turnover of these Pokemon and transfer them for candy. Evolve the rest when you have enough. Keep doing it and ditching those and the evolved ones. Keep only 1 or 2 of the highest CP ones.

Actually I have been doing this, but today realise that you need to keep a good number to hand, in case you get a lucky egg. Every evolve gets good XP, and with lucky egg, it gets doubled. Pidgey, and rattata only need 10 candy to evolve, so cheap XP.
Actually I have been doing this, but today realise that you need to keep a good number to hand, in case you get a lucky egg. Every evolve gets good XP, and with lucky egg, it gets doubled. Pidgey, and rattata only need 10 candy to evolve, so cheap XP.

I've been saving the lucky eggs. I have a few modules as well. I might build up some candy with some common Pokemon and then use the lure with an egg. That will give me an epic xp boost.
The game crashed and logged me out, I can't get logged back in because I never verified my account. I never reviewed a verification email, I have requested it a few more times now but still nothing.

Anyone had this? Going to be pretty peeved (and that's being mild about it) if I have to restart!
Loving the idea so far, it really does get people talking. I have started chalking out like cache symbols where I have caught some for others to find. :D
I see social media has gone into full retard hysteria with many people claiming this game is run by the NSA and they're using it to take photos of your home!!!

Yep that's right kids, the NSA want to see what wallpaper and curtain theme you all have.
The game crashed and logged me out, I can't get logged back in because I never verified my account. I never reviewed a verification email, I have requested it a few more times now but still nothing.

Anyone had this? Going to be pretty peeved (and that's being mild about it) if I have to restart!

I'm not sure I ever got an email from them.
According to Reddit they added region specific servers today so that maybe why

The last few days have been much better, although there were some issues last night but nothing near as bad as it was over the last weekend

I'm pretty sure there is an Abra and an Ekans near me, but I just can't track it down, it's on my radar but I can't find the damn things.

I'm not convinced the 'Nearby' is any good. I try to ignore it but when I get shadows of a Pokemon I've not caught, I do end up going hunting.

Caught a Gyarados with 757cp today, which was nice.

That's a seriously nice catch but very low CP. I'm on a mission to evolve my Magikarp to get a Gyarados and the canal down the road from me has an abundance. Need a really decent catch though to evolve. My highest has been 81 so far :(

Getting tired of tiny pokemons now :( always pidgeys or rats.

I used to hate them too but realised they are the best way to level up. Get a high turnover of these Pokemon and transfer them for candy. Evolve the rest when you have enough. Keep doing it and ditching those and the evolved ones. Keep only 1 or 2 of the highest CP ones.

Yup!! Best way to get candy, XP and to level up is to catch the smaller ones. I'm on about 170 Pidgy candy and something like 90 Rattata candy. Then use a lucky egg and evolve 2-3 of them

Swindon was really good last night. There are 4 stops within about 100ft and they all had lures on them. Excluding the duplicates, I managed to get Electabuzz and finally a Squirtle (which I've seen multiple times but has alluded me)

If I don't end up meeting up with my brother(s) again tonight, I think a Magikarp hunt is on the books and a gym down the road from work.
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Evolved 9 Pidgey, 6 Weedle, 3 Caterpie and 5 Rattata last night on a lucky egg.
I wish you could skip the stupid evolution sequence thing :p
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