Pokemon GO! (2016)

Keeps freezing, just had a snorlax, pikachu and charmander all close but the game froze when I threw the first ball, all gone now :(
Im lvl 8 and all i am getting is pidgys and rattatas, very annoying, had a squirtle close yesterday but couldnt find him! all the gyms are taken by high lvl as well so i'll just get smashed to bits if i attempt to battle
Been mostly ok for me today. Stopped for lunch in a sleepy village. Luckily a group of lads had dropped 2 lures side by side and I raked them in. Even got a dratini.

On the way home, dropped a lucky egg near a gym, and in the 30 minutes: evolved around 10 basic pokemons, beat the gym down, took it over, popped 2 5km eggs with new-to-me pokemons, and captured a few more. All of that took me from level 9.5 to 11.5. Could have used the lucky egg better, but happy with the above.

Shoudl really lean how to battle properly; main thing limiting me from taking my local gym...it's barely made it past level 3 since release, and I can't fight well enough to defeat it and then build it prestige up.
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servers just keep crashing and wasting my pokeballs frustrating, also i go no where which has the blue things for free balls and seem to be in locations which just spawn the dross pokemon.. still rather hooked though
Well I'm away with work and with nothing going spare I drove 15mins into Lincoln and went for a wander. Walked about 10k and the whole time servers were perfect. Lincoln is amazing with it being decent size and being extremely historic you couldn't move for pokestop so I overfilled my inventory, grew a level as I caught a metric tonne of Pokemon.

Ignoring duplicates caught for levelling I caught a Venonat, Cleefary, Seadra, Poliwag, Egexecute, Meowth and a Ghastly. Nothing seismic but a great haul and good for my fitness. It was crazy the amount of people wandering around playing and in a few places with adjacent pokestop next to bars/cafes they were hammered with lures. Next to the canal on top of the bar patrons must have been around 40 or so people hanging around where the stops overlapped.

I'm here again tomorrow night so tempted to take another wander, may even have dinner down the front where all the stops overlap :p

On a side note do you have to breed the male/female Niodran or do you just evolve them as normal?

Edit: forgot I also caught a 300 or so CP Butterfree which is good for me!

Edit edit: does it get easier to catch higher CP Pokemon as your level goes up? Some of the higher ones I couldn't even reach with a pokeball throw and when I could get the right length they kept glowing and shooting off to the left or right :confused:
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