Just hatched a 10k egg and got a 190 ******* evee, are you kidding me pokemon go!
What level were you when you acquired the egg? Remember, what's inside is determined then, not based on the level you are when you actually hatch it.
I'm also making sure I have enough candies for future evolutions that will be added in Gen 2, so Zubat candy and Slowpoke candy for exampleNope.
The only trash I catch are pidgeys/weedles/caterpies/rattata/drowzees for evolve xp, and drowzees only because they are so plentiful and easy to catch.
2nd level evolutions I don't bother with, stuff like zubats/horseas/shellders etc that I already have the evolutions for I ignore.
I focus on strong lines, or lines I haven't evolved fully yet. And all the magikarps.
I'm also making sure I have enough candies for future evolutions that will be added in Gen 2, so Zubat candy and Slowpoke candy for example
Just evolved my Eevee to a jolteon, maybe should have taken a 2nd Vaporeon...
It's randomised as far as anyone can tell. That's why you don't spend star dust until the final evolve and if they get the best moves.
I think that IV's thing is a bit pointless... it even says the difference between best and worst is going to be ~7-10% in CP / HP. Not worth the time investment of waiting for a super one considering the gameplay content! It's funner just catching then all.
After using a simpler web based one than the confusing google sheet, I agree! Too time consuming for minimal gain.
Anyway, I read in some online UK paper today that a Guy in London got all the available Pokemon already (bar a few region specific ones).
Caught:91 Seen:93
I keep getting a bug when trying to fight in gyms, both same team and opposite. I get to the arena, it says "battle 1", then go, but as soon as the "go" disappears, it kciks me back out of the arena and into the lobby.
Really annoying. Seems a common bug. Anyone here get the same?
Sometimes changing pokemon to fight solves it, sometimes not.
p.s. game appears down again?