Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol

9 Jun 2005
The only itching she was probably doing was a natural reaction to the dirty old devil's appearance and demeanour. Until I saw the still photo of him I hadn't realised how low the PC brigade had got to find a liaison officer, what a state he is. You couldn't set a police dog on him for fear of it catching something. I'd want a bath in Dettol after going near him.


So true.

Its so funny reading the responses you can see who has a problem with police "I AINT TELLIN YOU MY NAME BRUV" and us, the normal people who don't really care if a police officer asks us our names or pulls us over for a random traffic stop, just be a reasonable, calm person and you won't ever get tasered.
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10 May 2012

So true.

Its so funny reading the responses you can see who has a problem with police "I AINT TELLIN YOU MY NAME BRUV" and us, the normal people who don't really care if a police officer asks us our names or pulls us over for a random traffic stop, just be a reasonable, calm person and you won't ever get tasered.

Some of us even appreciate the Police and want to make their life easier so they have more time to catch criminals.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
The neighbour clearly states in the video "that is my neighbour he's just trying to get into his house"

Right. How do you know this gentleman is a trustworthy source?

Houses can be registered in others people's names as well. In short saying it's 'my house' and someone saying 'it's his house' means absolutely nothing.

As I said earlier in the thread, I have the keys for 5 or 6 houses andany will be known as my house to the neighbours. I live in none of them.
30 Jun 2007
"excuse me sir we are looking for Bob Smith and we believe you may be him, could you identify yourself? No? You are under arrest because we have reasonable suspicion you are Bob Smith"

Or, "excuse me sir.... OH my mistake you are not Bob Smith now that I have seen you up close, sorry to bother you sir"

What these officers have done is stop someone, not been able to deal with the attitude of the person they stopped, not arrested them but instead messed about, it's gotten way out of hand, and they have over reacted. They should never of been touching him without a clear goal of arresting him.

So your first choice is to go straught up to him arrest him physically restain him and when he resists taser him. Because thats exactly what happened.

He cant just be magically peaceful in your scenario

Your second approach relies on the officer personally knowing bob smith so is invalid
17 Dec 2009
Then I expect the police to be able to handle the situation better.

There have been massive mistakes made here, the tasering and physical assault of a member of the public is not a desired out come.

Either arrest the suspect or don't harass him, it's not a difficult concept.
17 Dec 2009
So your first choice is to go straught up to him arrest him physically restain him and when he resists taser him. Because thats exactly what happened.

There's a big difference between "sir you are under arrest" and "tell us your name, stop, don't move, tell us your name etc etc"

I wonder how the situation would have gone down with the upstanding member of the public had it been clear from the start he was a genuine suspect and not just being harassed.

"Tell me your name" "no" is perfectly fine, I've been pulled over many a time and asked where I'm heading, and a simple "why?" Is enough to get the police to cease with their questions.

If I get pulled over and told I'm under arrest, there's a big difference.
31 Oct 2004
How is this thread still going?! the police believed he was a person that was wanted, they asked him his name, he refused to identify himself, police have reasonable suspision that he is the person they are looking for but he refuses to identify himself so quite rightly so they arrest him until they can determine his identity. He resisted arrest so based on his actions in the video they used what i would deem reasonable force to subdue him. Guy was an idiot, deserved it.

Thread end/
3 Feb 2006
Blackburn - Glastonbury - Portsmouth
apart from, the fact that in the video shown, not once did they tell him he was under arrest until after he was tazered.

they started with if you dont tell me your name you will be under arrest.

thats is not good enough.

He was either free to go about his business of going home with his dog, or he was under arrest for being coloured.
9 Jun 2005
apart from, the fact that in the video shown, not once did they tell him he was under arrest until after he was tazered.

they started with if you dont tell me your name you will be under arrest.

thats is not good enough.

He was either free to go about his business of going home with his dog, or he was under arrest for being coloured.

COLOURED?!?!?! xD HAHAHAhahhahaha what next, calling them darkies?

You must be around 14 or 45?
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
apart from, the fact that in the video shown, not once did they tell him he was under arrest until after he was tazered.

they started with if you dont tell me your name you will be under arrest.

thats is not good enough.

He was either free to go about his business of going home with his dog, or he was under arrest for being coloured.

You don't have to arrest someone to Tazer them. How many times does that have to be said?
31 Oct 2004
apart from, the fact that in the video shown, not once did they tell him he was under arrest until after he was tazered.

they started with if you dont tell me your name you will be under arrest.

thats is not good enough.

He was either free to go about his business of going home with his dog, or he was under arrest for being coloured.

28 Nov 2003
Someone on here will be suggesting the old dosser should be canonized for his "race relations" prowess next.... <LOL> Amazing how professionally these advisers present themselves. Has he been sacked yet?
2 Jul 2003
Just seems like bad form all round.

He should and could have simply told them his name, that he lived just there and had already been mistaken for the person they were looking for. 2 minutes later he can get on with his life and the police can carry on looking.

Its an inconvenience for him sure but don't blame the police for that, blame the people in your community that broke the law that you happened to look like.
If he was the criminal and they didn't question him properly and he went off and mugged a granny, pooped in a letterbox or worse the public would rightfully be pretty annoyed with those two police that had him and let him walk off.

Don't know what the person they were actually looking for had done but if it was violent then him getting aggressive would have the two police on guard.

Police woman I'd say panicked a bit and could have had the muppets eye out. She should get reprimanded for that. Unless he was diving at her and she only had a chance for a snap shot she shouldn't be getting near his face.
30 Nov 2016
Terrible attitude of some folk on here IMHO, almost left OcUK forums after seeing what GD was like, but decided to stay, the forums here on the whole are good and the PC tech ones especially so, so I'll stay and try to stay out of these useless debates in this section :)

Nobody's going to change each others minds it seems, so its all pretty futile bickering back and forth and one upmanship point scoring, I guess?

Have made my thoughts known on this incident and I want to leave it there and not labour my point, but wow, its like a baying pack of hounds out for the kill on this GD forum at times it seems? thank heavens there is a more serious forum (The Speakers one) for more serious discussion here than this GD place ... please dont take offence GD locals, its just that this forum is not for me, or so it seems.

Now have at it before its locked.

"Oh Yes it is"

"Oh No its Not"

"Oh Yes it is"

"Oh No its not"

On and On :eek: Like something out of a Pantomime!


EDIT, Hurf, just walk away mate, I agree with you, its futile arguing with people like this, unfortunately.
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