Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol

19 Feb 2007
The only itching she was probably doing was a natural reaction to the dirty old devil's appearance and demeanour. Until I saw the still photo of him I hadn't realised how low the PC brigade had got to find a liaison officer, what a state he is. You couldn't set a police dog on him for fear of it catching something. I'd want a bath in Dettol after going near him.

Bravo :)

I saw this guy and his woe is me tears on C4 news yesterday, my first thought was bums.com
30 Jun 2007
Exactly. The police behaved well. The individual in question was aggressive and abusive. Why did he not behave normally, give the police his name and generally assist them with their enquiry? Did he think he was above the law, or something?

Looks like the aspergers line is veing wheeled out now to excuse his violence
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Towards the start of the video he was swearing, walking towards the female officer while waving his hand and finger in her face, he was generally being very aggressive and confrontational. When they were inside the gate he literally pushed the male officer and then started wrestling and throwing him off him as they came onto the street, at that point the confrontation was physical and he was tasered, rightly so. You just can't act like that with Police and expect it to end well, sorry. He wasn't some innocent victim going about his business, he was a suspect who became angry, confrontational and then physical when being asked simple questions in a polite and reasonable manner. Personally I wouldn't have tasered him but you can't expect for the female to wait for her partner to potentially get punched by the guy.

Or stabbed.

A highly aggressive suspect using force to resist arrest has his arm back with something metal in his hand. Your partner is in range with their side exposed. You must act immediately. What do you do?
10 May 2012
One would expect a police officer to be trained in safe restraint.

As above, there's no such thing when members of the public can be carrying a weapon, or even just be a black belt in jiu jitsu and break your arm and choke you unconscious when you try restraining them
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
There isn't any such thing unless you have overwhelming superiority in force and it's not certain even then. You'd want at least 4 trained people to safely restrain 1 adult.

It's amazing how many times this comes up how some people think one officer should be able to restrain one 'off their head' person. I've witnessed many incidents in a juvenile prison where 4 burly trained officers couldn't take down 15 year olds.
17 Dec 2009
so while he was restiting pushing andf fighting they should have told him?

as he wasn't being arrested untill he assaulted them.

If he wasn't being arrested why was he physically touched? He tries to go into his own gate that he has unlocked with his keys and the police try and prevent him doing so physically.

If he was under arrest why wasn't he being arrested?

If he wasn't under arrest why are the police touching him and demanding to know his name?!

The guy works with the police to try and prevent racism and further understanding between communities, he's almost 70 and still volunteers all over to help old people's mobility classes in Easton, a very poor area. Its not hard to see that there were clear errors in judgement and protocol here, this thread has also shown fairly abhorrent racism in describing the man by some posters, shocking when he does more work for the community than the EDL wannabes here combined, and the fact said posters aren't banned says a lot about the mods here.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Another guy with no clue I see. Logic would dictate they're trying to stop him entering the property as we already know they believed him to be a wanted man. If he enters the property he becomes a damn sight harder to arrest.

Also people have basically called him scruffy looking. Not sure that has anything to do with his race just his general unkempt appearance.
17 Dec 2009
ok hurf you are the officer.

you walk us through exactly what you would have done

"excuse me sir we are looking for Bob Smith and we believe you may be him, could you identify yourself? No? You are under arrest because we have reasonable suspicion you are Bob Smith"

Or, "excuse me sir.... OH my mistake you are not Bob Smith now that I have seen you up close, sorry to bother you sir"

What these officers have done is stop someone, not been able to deal with the attitude of the person they stopped, not arrested them but instead messed about, it's gotten way out of hand, and they have over reacted. They should never of been touching him without a clear goal of arresting him.
17 Dec 2009
Another guy with no clue I see. Logic would dictate they're trying to stop him entering the property as we already know they believed him to be a wanted man. If he enters the property he becomes a damn sight harder to arrest.

Also people have basically called him scruffy looking. Not sure that has anything to do with his race just his general unkempt appearance.

Uh, if they believed him to be a wanted man, why wasn't he just arrested? You talk of logic?
3 Feb 2006
Blackburn - Glastonbury - Portsmouth
but it did though.

they asked the question, then dragged him from his property, still without telling him he was under arrest for not answering and tazered him in the face.

They knew where he lived, they could have found out who he was with one call back to the station.

Except that tried the first approach and he didn't answer...so your scenario doesn't fit the known circumstances. Try again.
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17 Dec 2009
Because it's easier to just check someones name without having to slap cuffs on them. People are generally more receptive of being asked their name instead of thrown on the ground and cuffed

I don't know many people who are receptive of police harassment.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
but it did though.

they asked the question, then dragged him from his property, still without telling him he was under arrest for not answering and tazered him in the face.

They knew where he lived, they could have found out who he was with one call back to the station.

No they didn't. Read the thread.
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