Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Who can blame him? They walked away with zero credit for any achievements during the coalition years, took the full brunt of the blame for the tuition fee hike, and Tory spin ensured no dirt stuck to them.
Yes I can understand the LD position, they got very little credit for the coalition years and it all but destroyed them.
The Con MP has a huge majority here, so my vote will be all but wasted, but I'll still be doing it. The thought of May in power with a huge majority is not a very pleasant one.
The amount of wilful ignorance on this forum is astonishing, your even harping the 'strong stable' rubbish - its like a comedy sketch of some sort......the woman is a disaster has no answers to anything, won't do interviews, and the FACTUAL INFORMATION shows how much damage torys have done......yet people are eating up the drivel may and the tories are sending out.

Beyond that, its even text book tactics to brain washing a population - all dicatators in the making do it - history has proven it.

We have facts, being ignored, and tactics proven in the worst disasters in human history - its a way of thinking that never works out, only Labours thinking can progress humanity.

Yet, *most* of this forum is repeating blindly what their pro tory telly boxes are feeding into their brains, *strong and stable strong and stable strong and stable*, while drooling and foaming at the mouth eyes wide open, not even blinking.

Astonishing - its a study in human nature itself this place, sadly, it also represents the mindset of your average middle aged forum user, no offence to anyone personally, but, please, think out side the box, go outside, look around, take your emotionally driven opinions and ask why they are emotionally driven......is it because your being socially conditioned? Are you even aware of it ?

I awaits the flames of the self proclaimed 'decent british person that wants arr country back' - because fellas ya just playing into the 1% who want your money.

Money isn't real you know, its a concept thats been drummed into our minds that its more important than food and water - money is mathmatical slavery - but we all must play the game because these numbers and figures permeate through society - one must not question it (hell entire countries are invaded by the USA for rejecting rockefeller-et al banking systems)..............and it is this that controls you and me (no matter our 'observations' of reality)...............and do I need to define the word 'austerity' ? Do you not see its HOW you reign in a mass populace ?

There is more than enough of this artificial raw material that is 'money' to pay for everyone in the UK to live.....(mark my words within 20 years a living wage will become standard and MP's will market it as 'human decency to let everyone have food and sleep under shelter')...........

All we need to do is cut the BS and pointless debates and follow logic - life isn't about making money, or destroying people, its being a human, stop the idiocy, tax big corp properly (globally so they can't run anywhere) and get ppl back on track.

The era of consumerism is one that cannot end quick enough - getting people to stop thinking buying 'things' will make them happy is going to take 2-3 generations of human - you lot however are likely societies top consumers so this line of thinking will likely be completely alien to you.

I agree with one half of your argument but to think that Labour are the way forward is frankly just as laughable - the party is in disarray, Corbyn is a wet blanket who will fold when the country needs him most and has proven to be just as deceitful when it pleases him as Theresa May - quite a few of his little tales (train seats, etc.) or stories about constituents have been proved to be entirely 100% fabricated or heavily tweaked to fit a narrative and ultimately all he cares about is furthering the institution of things even if it means sacrificing every person that makes up that institution in doing so.

You are just as guilty of being conditioned as the people you are lambasting.
As a percentage of GDP you may or may not be correct however in real world terms making sure that all corporations are paying the right and ultimately fair amount of tax is going to generate significantly more money than taxing the lowest earners in society or cutting benefits that people rely on forcing them to use food banks. Hell even you must admit that recent reports of Nurses having to make increasing uses of pay day loans and foodbanks is alarming and a sure fire sign that things are significantly wrong!

You are missing the point here. Closing tax loopholes, ensuring you collect tax owed and raising tax rates etc doesn't necessarily increase revenue. If it did, the link I posted previously wouldn't look the way it does, as it includes times when the top rate of income tax was 90%, and when corporation taxes were much higher.

This is not to say we can't review or change the way we are spending money, but expecting to suddenly increase public spending to, for example, 45% of gdp instead of the current 42%, isn't realistic, because the money won't come in for it.

Reality may not behave how you want it to, but you can't just disregard it.
I agree with one half of your argument but to think that Labour are the way forward is frankly just as laughable - the party is in disarray, Corbyn is a wet blanket who will fold when the country needs him most and has proven to be just as deceitful when it pleases him as Theresa May - quite a few of his little tales (train seats, etc.) or stories about constituents have been proved to be entirely 100% fabricated or heavily tweaked to fit a narrative and ultimately all he cares about is furthering the institution of things even if it means sacrificing every person that makes up that institution in doing so.

You are just as guilty of being conditioned as the people you are lambasting.

This is my issue calling him a 'wet blanket' - fine, say those words, achieves nothing.

In his entire time as an MP he has NEVER changed his mind on pro human life, quality for all living - 95% of the weight of his opinions and morals have never changed, he's mildly tweaked his thinking AS NEW INFORMATION BECAME AVAILABLE (the sign of intelligence) - he is all for equal human rights, care for all those in need, and a fair and just society.

And this is ONLY the leader of the labour party - a party of vast amounts of MP's with similar thinking, he who got voted in overwhelmingly.

The words 'wet blanket' is media spin - his FACTUAL RECORD is the exact opposite.

He's been constantly hounded by right media - and he's up for a debate - may is hiding - if you want strong and stable as the brain box is telling you - based on factual observation thats Corbyn.
This is my issue calling him a 'wet blanket' - fine, say those words, achieves nothing.

In his entire time as an MP he has NEVER changed his mind on pro human life, quality for all living - 95% of the weight of his opinions and morals have never changed, he's mildly tweaked his thinking AS NEW INFORMATION BECAME AVAILABLE (the sign of intelligence) - he is all for equal human rights, care for all those in need, and a fair and just society.

And this is ONLY the leader of the labour party - a party of vast amounts of MP's with similar thinking, he who got voted in overwhelmingly.

The words 'wet blanket' is media spin - his FACTUAL RECORD is the exact opposite.

He's been constantly hounded by right media - and he's up for a debate - may is hiding - if you want strong and stable as the brain box is telling you - based on factual observation thats Corbyn.

May doesnt need to come out with the polls as they are - she can sit in and wait for the manifesto to come out and then hit the media for the final push - why take the chance otherwise

On JC I dont disagree with you in terms of his record and views - unfortunately for all other policy which people seem to regard highly - Brexit / economy / defense etc he doesnt seem to hit any notes with the majority of the public and will never do. He needs to recognise these are the issues "most" people are voting on. If someone can fix the NHS (imo cant be done) in the meantime then great.
This is my issue calling him a 'wet blanket' - fine, say those words, achieves nothing.

In his entire time as an MP he has NEVER changed his mind on pro human life, quality for all living - 95% of the weight of his opinions and morals have never changed, he's mildly tweaked his thinking AS NEW INFORMATION BECAME AVAILABLE (the sign of intelligence) - he is all for equal human rights, care for all those in need, and a fair and just society.

And this is ONLY the leader of the labour party - a party of vast amounts of MP's with similar thinking, he who got voted in overwhelmingly.

The words 'wet blanket' is media spin - his FACTUAL RECORD is the exact opposite.

He's been constantly hounded by right media - and he's up for a debate - may is hiding - if you want strong and stable as the brain box is telling you - based on factual observation thats Corbyn.

Corbyn strong and stable? couldn't have done a better job of proving my point above if you tried - I'm not even gonna debate it he has proved ineffective every time it comes to dealing with real issues rather than fanciful words about high ideals.
This is my issue calling him a 'wet blanket' - fine, say those words, achieves nothing.

In his entire time as an MP he has NEVER changed his mind on pro human life, quality for all living - 95% of the weight of his opinions and morals have never changed, he's mildly tweaked his thinking AS NEW INFORMATION BECAME AVAILABLE (the sign of intelligence) - he is all for equal human rights, care for all those in need, and a fair and just society.

And this is ONLY the leader of the labour party - a party of vast amounts of MP's with similar thinking, he who got voted in overwhelmingly.

The words 'wet blanket' is media spin - his FACTUAL RECORD is the exact opposite.

He's been constantly hounded by right media - and he's up for a debate - may is hiding - if you want strong and stable as the brain box is telling you - based on factual observation thats Corbyn.

Given Corbyn's history of terrorist sympathising and siding with states with very dubious human rights records (like his job with Iranian press tv) and so on, I wouldn't exactly call Corbyn a staunch defender of human rights. That can only be obtained via cherry picking.
So May only rules out no Vat increases and refuses to rule out removal of the triple lock and tax increase for the poor. Looks like it's going to be a fun five years.

She also refused to acknowledge that nurses using food banks was an issue. She really does want the NHS to die and replaced by us companies.
As a percentage maybe, but where does that percentage come from?

Do we close loopholes and chase evaded corporate tax, or do we tax the poorest and push more people to food banks and cold winters?

Ultimately, if the poor are getting more money, they use less benefits, and spend more of it, putting it back into the economy. And making them happier and healthier at the same time.
What we have now is an upwards funneling of cash that reaches the richest and stays there, not doing anything.

How do you get more from net recipients? From a mathematical point of view they don't contribute revenue already.

The tax free threshold on income tax already covers a significant portion of the lowest income people.
Given Corbyn's history of terrorist sympathising and siding with states with very dubious human rights records (like his job with Iranian press tv) and so on, I wouldn't exactly call Corbyn a staunch defender of human rights. That can only be obtained via cherry picking.

Its sad that more people can't see through him - while not a champagne socialist he isn't far off that - despite appearances he would rather other people get their hands dirty for his ideals and often affects something like false humility to project an image. I'm surprise so many people are taken in by the outwards appearance and can't see the real man in his actual deeds rather than what he says.

I actually don't disagree with a lot of what he says but its fanciful that you can somehow shortcut to the end result without having to deal with the hard reality in between.
Does anyone have any websites that profile each party and party leader with as unbiased information as possible? In an attempt to compare Yellow Apples to Red Apples to err... Blue Apples?
Profile in what way? There are sites that will compare your personal beliefs to where parties sit on those issues based on their manifestos, but we don't have the manifestos for this election yet. We have hints of policy and not-quite denials of certain positions, it's hard to use that as a basis of comparison.
So May only rules out no Vat increases and refuses to rule out removal of the triple lock and tax increase for the poor. Looks like it's going to be a fun five years.

She also refused to acknowledge that nurses using food banks was an issue. She really does want the NHS to die and replaced by us companies.

The problem is using a foodbank is just as likely to be a sign of poor spending priorities as it is a lack of income.

A fully qualified nurse starts on £21k (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/adult-nurse), which is below the UK average wage, but this is about right for a graduate role. (https://www.graduate-jobs.com/gco/Booklet/graduate-salary-salaries.jsp).

Earning £21k or more, and needing help from a food bank, is indicative of poor spending choices, not a lack of income.
Are we really at the meme-posting stage?

LOL - you should be an MP - all attempts made to avoid the message xD lol

Classic May behavior that !! lol

"May how do we save the NHS"

"We have a strong stable gov"

"Again how do we save it, be specfic"

"We have a strong stable gov"

"What do you think of labour"

"We have a strong stable gov"

"Do you like jam sandwiches"

"We have a strong stable gov"

Oh and a meme just for you ;)

What's the alternative? Circular arguments with Dolph? :p

There's really not a lot to discuss yet given the manifestos aren't out. I'm looking forward to the Labour one, as it sounds fantastical, but apparently it'll be fully costed.
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