Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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LOL - you should be an MP - all attempts made to avoid the message xD lol

If you genuinely think that a Tory majority can be avoid by sharing memes online amongst like-minded people then you're probably going to be sat around on the morning of the 9th June asking where it all went so wrong.
Its sad that more people can't see through him - while not a champagne socialist he isn't far off that - despite appearances he would rather other people get their hands dirty for his ideals and often affects something like false humility to project an image. I'm surprise so many people are taken in by the outwards appearance and can't see the real man in his actual deeds rather than what he says.

I actually don't disagree with a lot of what he says but its fanciful that you can somehow shortcut to the end result without having to deal with the hard reality in between.

Exactly, combine that with the quality of the people around him and a complete lack of faith to achieve anything and it's a none starter.

I've long been a proponent of a universal income, labour keep rumbling about it, but I don't trust them to actually be able to implement it successfully. What would likely happen is a horrendously expensive mess involving both a universal basic income, loads of additional means tested nonsense and an unfair and unworkable tax structure. It would be a disaster waiting to happen, and even if they put in their manifesto exactly what I wanted, I wouldn't vote for them.
If you genuinely think that a Tory majority can be avoid by sharing memes online amongst like-minded people then you're probably going to be sat around on the morning of the 9th June asking where it all went so wrong.

AGAIN with a tory response !! lol

Just like, avoiding the message, at all costs !! lol

ANY words on............paying serious money for surgery ? Saving the NHS ?!

Jesus, people are avoiding the questions like they Ms May's good little tory flocks lol
Does anyone have any websites that profile each party and party leader with as unbiased information as possible? In an attempt to compare Yellow Apples to Red Apples to err... Blue Apples?

Somewhat simplistic but you've got May who'll hammer through the Conservative ideology while going lalalala to any signs of the ground crumbling around her plus a nasty side bit of authoritarianism of her own, Corbyn who'll say a lot but run away if he actually has to get his hands dirty and Farron who is full of good intentions but as we all know that usually isn't enough.

The best hope we have really is of another Liberal/Conservative coalition as it would force a certain amount of balance between progression and stability while dulling some of the extremes of either party.
Yep, EVERY tory promise since 2010 has been broken, time to not vote tory! lol

This statement is blatant nonsense, as the eu referendum, promised, held and honoured demonstrates.

There are plenty of things to criticise the Torys for, why make things up and discredit yourself?
AGAIN with a tory response !! lol

Just like, avoiding the message, at all costs !! lol

ANY words on............paying serious money for surgery ? Saving the NHS ?!

Jesus, people are avoiding the questions like they Ms May's good little tory flocks lol

My political views are on the left, and I'm not listening to you on this because you're not bringing any clear thinking into it. You can't even get a sympathetic audience on side.
The problem is using a foodbank is just as likely to be a sign of poor spending priorities as it is a lack of income.

A fully qualified nurse starts on £21k (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/adult-nurse), which is below the UK average wage, but this is about right for a graduate role. (https://www.graduate-jobs.com/gco/Booklet/graduate-salary-salaries.jsp).

Earning £21k or more, and needing help from a food bank, is indicative of poor spending choices, not a lack of income.

It refers to the 52,000 trainee nurses who have received hardship funds or used food banks last year after the nurses nursery was abolished. No wonder we don't have enough people going into nursing and need foreign nurses if we are t going to support them.
It refers to the 52,000 trainee nurses who have received hardship funds or used food banks last year after the nurses nursery was abolished. No wonder we don't have enough people going into nursing and need foreign nurses if we are t going to support them.

That sounds more like a case for state funded childcare than anything else.
It refers to the 52,000 trainee nurses who have received hardship funds or used food banks last year after the nurses nursery was abolished. No wonder we don't have enough people going into nursing and need foreign nurses if we are t going to support them.

Something I know nothing about but isn't this somewhat compounded by many of them having to live in some of the most expensive places to live to be able to do what they do? those I know who've gone that route have ended up living in central London, Manchester, Nottingham, etc. for the most part where the cost of living is high.
My political views are on the left, and I'm not listening to you on this because you're not bringing any clear thinking into it. You can't even get a sympathetic audience on side.

The thinking is simple and stated above in big white letters.

Keep the NHS.

The only sure fire way of this happening is labour wins the election.

It's that simple and genuinely a matter of life and death for millions.

What part of my message is ambiguous and where did you stop getting it?
It got lost in all your hyperbole. Politics isn't as simple as "vote Labour save NHS", to pretend otherwise is to insult the intelligence of the audience. I appreciate we're in the era of soundbites and memes and attention spans measured in nanoseconds, but this is a discussion forum and not a Twitter feed or a billboard.
The thinking is simple and stated above in big white letters.

Keep the NHS.

The only sure fire way of this happening is labour wins the election.

It's that simple and genuinely a matter of life and death for millions.

What part of my message is ambiguous and where did you stop getting it?

Labour privatised more of the nhs and created more nhs debt via pfi than the tories did.

The problem with your message is it either ignorant or dishonest. Given that several people have pointed out the errors and you continue, it leans more and more towards dishonesty.
It got lost in all your hyperbole. Politics isn't as simple as "vote Labour save NHS", to pretend otherwise is to insult the intelligence of the audience. I appreciate we're in the era of soundbites and memes and attention spans measured in nanoseconds, but this is a discussion forum and not a Twitter feed or a billboard.

This time round for the specific issue of the NHS it really is that simple, anything we can do as an individual to stop or majorly delay the sale of the NHS (its absurd it's for sale anyway it isn't any ones individual property to sell), or should I say the delay of total privatisation of the NHS is in literally everyone's interests.

The torys win, it will be privatised, labour wins, corbyn et al is a massive road block to big industry buying every part of our existence to sell back to us.

It's a simple choice. Like him or loath him, that is quite literally, reality.

So again, care to grumble about Corybn ocuk? Or do you prefer selling your entire house to fund essential health care?

Sure there's insurance... But just look at America.... That's clearly worked for everyone there hasn't it.... (it hasn't FYI for those with the sarcasm detector off)

No one in the UK currently who suffers major injuries gets turned away nor ends up in life ending debt.

I assume 500 people on here have private medical insurance, send their kids to private school, and earn a lot of money...
Even the pensioners are going to get screwed this time.
I assume 500 people on here have private medical insurance, send their kids to private school, and earn a lot of money...
Even the pensioners are going to get screwed this time.

Looking at last time there was a poll done, I would imagine most ocuk members fall into that category, yes.
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