Why does it matter what the result is from this forum?
Why bother having a thread?. Why bother with a forum?... And so on.
It's about having a conversation, and knowing how people are voting, or changing their voting habits based on the new information. The results here don't 'matter' per se. But they matter to the conversation.
No one is forcing you to change your vote.
I could easily reset the vote count but then that's the same thing as asking people to change.
Don't know what you expect or what you mean by "how very lazy". Care to elaborate or will you just continue with that passive aggressive crap?
Firstly, resetting the vote isn't asking people to change, it's asking people to vote, and finding out how many have actually changed/how things are headed. Being asked to vote again is not the same as being asked to change your political affiliation.
And again, I've explained pretty clearly, people are unlikely to put in the effort to change their vote. If for some reaon it suits you to have a skewed count (either way) then obviously there's nothing to be gained for you. But since people first clicked on this poll a fair bit has changed. People in the thread have said that their voting intentions have changed. How many people have gone to the effort of changing their vote in the old poll?.
Either way I maintain a fresh poll would give a much more accurate indication.
As for the lazy comment. I find it to be lazy on all sides (as I said, people are too lazy to visit a thread they clicked on once, a month ago, and go through the process of changing their vote. Whereas a new thread/vote attracts a simple click from everyone in GD, and gives a truer picture of how things stand right now). I'm not passive aggressive. I'm quite open about why I think the thread/forum would benefit from up to date information, and how it's damaging to the conversation to pass it off/not start a new thread/poll.
How very lazy of the people who can't be bothered to change their vote?
Well yep, absolutely. But we're lucky, because the mods have the power to mitigate it to some extend by starting a new poll, making it easier for the lazies!.
Plus it's not just laziness. The majority will have seen the thread a month ago in GD, clicked on it, voted, and forgotten about it. They're far more likely to vote in a fresh poll/thread with a clear ('MAY new vote') title than they are to come and mess around in here.
Anyway, I'm not a mod so it's not up to me. But it seems like common sense to have up to date info, for the purposes of the discussion.