Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Can't understand anyone voting labour. Corbin is a compete **** how on earth can anyone believe the country getting into any more mountainous debt is a good idea is beyond me.

Same for Lib dems , they just want to score some pot .

UKIP have done there job .

Mrs May for me but I prefer the on e in the " Smack my bitch up video "
Isn't the UK in more debt know than it was when Labour were in power? Sure I read that somewhere...
Can't understand anyone voting labour. Corbin is a compete **** how on earth can anyone believe the country getting into any more mountainous debt is a good idea is beyond me.

As compared to the uncosted policies of the Tories....who if you're just worried about debt, have doubled it in their term (but of course it's more complicated than just the headline figure)

Same for Lib dems , they just want to score some pot .

That's right, that's all they want to do and I will complain about that over my pint with my mates down the pub

UKIP have done there job .


Mrs May for me but I prefer the on e in the " Smack my bitch up video "

hmmm....Umm.....no comment
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Their promise was to to cut the deficit though. So bad was their fiscal plan Hammond dumped it at the first opportunity.

They have cut the deficit, it was £103bn in 2010 ( or 7% of gdp) and is now £15bn (less than 1% of gdp).

The debt rose because of the speed of deficit reduction. Labour proposed slower deficit reductions.

So I ask again, are you saying that the Tories didn't cut enough?
And they haven't exactly done anything with it... Wheres the industrial investment that honestly be what the Tories stand for?

All i see are pitiful "please don't leave the UK" payments to the car manufacturers.
They have cut the deficit, it was £103bn in 2010 ( or 7% of gdp) and is now £15bn (less than 1% of gdp).

The debt rose because of the speed of deficit reduction. Labour proposed slower deficit reductions.

So I ask again, are you saying that the Tories didn't cut enough?

That wasn't their pledge Dolph, it was to eliminate it, they have now abandoned that.
Current figures as they stand.....

For the fiscal year ending in March 2017:
The “current budget deficit*” is estimated to be £14.0 billion.
The difference between spending (including capital expenditure) and revenue is estimated to be £53.9 billion.
The increase in UK “net debt” is estimated to be £139.4 billion.

At Budget time in March 2017:
The UK National Debt is estimated to be £1.73 trillion.


Make of that as you will.
And now imagine how much worse that would have been under labour, not to mention that the deficit they ran up in the first place didn't help either!

So it basically comes back the the catch phrase we've been hearing recently - we need 'strong and stable leadership' for the Brexit negotiations.
Thats not a reason. The impact of road transport can be priced in for road users through targeted and ring fenced taxes as I discussed. If the railways are still too expensive and the car still more popular, then the money should be invested into road improvements (as you are already managing external costs of road transport), not poured into making the trains only moderately more expensive than road travel.

The problem is, as much as people like to pretend, you can't monetarily "price in" environmental damage. Yes you can say a tree is worth "x" because that's how much it costs to replace, but in reality you can't put a monetary value on the environment. That means any "pricing in" of the true environmental impact will an arbitrary amount calculated by the government and should be seen just as much government interference as taking taxation from motorists and subsidising other methods of traffic for environmental reasons.
No, because the rent increase applies across the whole market, not just to landlords with benefit claiming tenants.

The subsidy goes to the tenant. The market impact of the subsidy results in an increase in rents due to increasing demand at the housing benefit price point.

It cannot ever become a subsidy to the landlord.

Call it what you like. It's housing and this sector of it is not product or markets or price points. It's social housing and shouldn't be viewed that way.

It's only a subsidy to the tenant if govt is absolving itself of its responsibility to house citizens that cannot afford to rent privately. Which it hasn't and isn't.

Are the subsidies given to rail companies subsidies to rail passengers?
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Today labour have announced an extra 37 billion for the NHS if they win.

They've also said there will be no tax rise for the 95% or national insurance increases like the media and the conservatives say to discredit them.

Looks like the old 'labour will increase taxes' argument just went out the window
Today labour have announced an extra 37 billion for the NHS if they win.

They've also said there will be no tax rise for the 95% or national insurance increases like the media and the conservatives say to discredit them.

Looks like the old 'labour will increase taxes' argument just went out the window

of course it did... and they'll just pay for all of it with magic beans... :)

I note you weren't able to point out any of the alleged propaganda you claimed nor explain your own propaganda photo from yesterday
Today labour have announced an extra 37 billion for the NHS if they win.

They've also said there will be no tax rise for the 95% or national insurance increases like the media and the conservatives say to discredit them.

Looks like the old 'labour will increase taxes' argument just went out the window

I genuinely dislike Teresa May and her whole party but labour can promise all they want money will not come out of nowhere. For them to have it they're either going to get the country in more debt or raise taxes somewhere else.
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