Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

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People think that brexit is a better option than going against the will of the people.

Remainers have failed hard.

No people think that the least damage will be caused by now just getting on with it and getting the best deal we can on trade. Hopefully that is what we will get but no confidence May and her team can deliver.
Hardly. More remainers now than when the referendum was held.........

not particularly - the vote split is essentially unchanged at roughly 50/50 from poll to poll as it was before the vote. You'll see minor variations but IIRC yougov hasn't claimed any differences are statistically significant... given that the result couldn't be predicted accurately by polls then I wouldn't rely on another poll of a few thousand at best to infer that the population as a whole has shifted by a percent or two.
not particularly - the vote split is essentially unchanged at roughly 50/50 from poll to poll as it was before the vote. You'll see minor variations but IIRC yougov hasn't claimed any differences are statistically significant... given that the result couldn't be predicted accurately by polls then I wouldn't rely on another poll of a few thousand at best to infer that the population as a whole has shifted by a percent or two.

Which is a far cry from been an endangered species as claimed
No people think that the least damage will be caused by now just getting on with it and getting the best deal we can on trade. Hopefully that is what we will get but no confidence May and her team can deliver.

I'm intrigued by this argument and wonder whether such polls asking this question are perhaps conducted in a leading manner. Anecdotal I admit, however I know a lot of Remainers and I haven't heard one of them suggest that they think we should now just get on with it. If anything most seem to have become more convinced that Theresa May's Brexit is going to be worse than they originally feared. I suppose if you mix with a lot of hard core Leavers that threaten rioting in the streets etc. if we don't paint a massive **** OFF on the white cliffs of Dover by Christmas and you are fed up with arguing about the whole thing with people that just quote Daily Mail headlines at you, then you might be more inclined to go with the flow and wait for reality to kick in.
What claim are you referring to? Might be better to quote or link something.
N111ck saying that poll proves remainers are a dying breed. Hence me pointing out that poll doesn't mean that at all and last polls I saw was that it was now 49% remain vs 51% but like you say it swings one or two percent.
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I'm intrigued by this argument and wonder whether such polls asking this question are perhaps conducted in a leading manner. Anecdotal I admit, however I know a lot of Remainers and I haven't heard one of them suggest that they think we should now just get on with it. If anything most seem to have become more convinced that Theresa May's Brexit is going to be worse than they originally feared.

when you say you know a lot of remainers I'd suspect that you don't necessarily know the voting decision of everyone you know but rather you're aware of some people who are rather more vocal about being remainers
I'm intrigued by this argument and wonder whether such polls asking this question are perhaps conducted in a leading manner. Anecdotal I admit, however I know a lot of Remainers and I haven't heard one of them suggest that they think we should now just get on with it. If anything most seem to have become more convinced that Theresa May's Brexit is going to be worse than they originally feared. I suppose if you mix with a lot of hard core Leavers that threaten rioting in the streets etc. if we don't paint a massive **** OFF on the white cliffs of Dover by Christmas and you are fed up with arguing about the whole thing with people that just quote Daily Mail headlines at you, then you might be more inclined to go with the flow and wait for reality to kick in.

As most people know I am a remainers and yes, I want us to get on with it as we have put a50 in and clearly with mad May in charge and the lunges running the country and no political opposition, there is no way it will be revoked, even if legally it could.

Saying that I want us to get on with negotiation and get a good trade deal and have brexit cause the least damage isn't the same as wanting May and Davies to do the negotiating. I am hoping we get some sense talked and have amicable negotiations leading to a good deal for both sides.

I hate the idea of Mays hard brexit and so far she seems to be set to leave with no deal which would be a disaster but I suppose the sooner we do that, the sooner we can recover. So yeah, I just want to get it all sorted now and get rid of all the uncertainty but that doesn't mean to say I want Mays brexit either.
The more I read the more I like Labour's ideas. I'm all for taxing high earners more, cutting down of ridiculous salaries of millions, nationalising things like water/electricity and transport so the companies that run them are not just lining the pockets of their shareholders. Also I would much rather we spend on investments instead of cutting down. It doesn't exactly effect us on a daily basis, if the number we have borrowed is x or y.

About time wealth is more evenly distributed, not just the rich getting richer which is basically what the Conservatives want.
The more I read the more I like Labour's ideas. I'm all for taxing high earners more, cutting down of ridiculous salaries of millions, nationalising things like water/electricity and transport so the companies that run them are not just lining the pockets of their shareholders. Also I would much rather we spend on investments instead of cutting down. It doesn't exactly effect us on a daily basis, if the number we have borrowed is x or y.

About time wealth is more evenly distributed, not just the rich getting richer which is basically what the Conservatives want.

And when the mobile rich leave, and the remainder push their costs down the line, who will pay for the massive state spending splurge?

High taxes don't really increase revenue, they never have. Just because labour slap a number on it doesn't mean it will happen.

Please, don't fall for this nonsense.
The Conservatives have a lot to answer for regarding this whole Brexit situation...

They randomly call a referendum, to try and stop leaking votes to UKIP
They plant their flag firmly in remain and as a party, do nothing to plan a strategy if Brexit wins
Ridiculous amounts of "Pinocchio factor" on both sides leading up to the vote
Brexit wins by a slim majority
Cameron backtracks on his pledge to see the result through and resigns
They don't call a general election before starting the Article50 process
May inherits the PM role (something that didn't go down well when Gordon took over from Tony ~10 years ago) and pushes the country to the edge of the white cliffs of Dover regarding Brexit
Then calls a general election

In the style of The Royle family, "strong and stable my {insert alternative word for bottom}!"

If we were going to have a premature general election before 2019 in the interest of the population, it should have been straight after Cameron resigned to try and save his own bacon.
The more I read the more I like Labour's ideas. I'm all for taxing high earners more, cutting down of ridiculous salaries of millions, nationalising things like water/electricity and transport so the companies that run them are not just lining the pockets of their shareholders. Also I would much rather we spend on investments instead of cutting down. It doesn't exactly effect us on a daily basis, if the number we have borrowed is x or y.

About time wealth is more evenly distributed, not just the rich getting richer which is basically what the Conservatives want.

IMO if we're going to increase taxation then taxing wealth ought to be focused on more than income. I really don't see the justification in further penalising people who contribute the most to our economy. It doesn't necessarily work too well either as the behaviour of people change in relation to tax changes. Consumption is also a good area to focus on - obviously not basic essentials which attract zero or reduced VAT for good reason.
IMO if we're going to increase taxation then taxing wealth ought to be focused on more than income. I really don't see the justification in further penalising people who contribute the most to our economy. It doesn't necessarily work too well either as the behavior of people change in relation to tax changes. Consumption is also a good area to focus on - obviously not basic essentials which attract zero or reduced VAT for good reason.

So an "extra" luxury VAT rate for things like rolex watches and Ferrari then?

And please tell me why you think these top 5% contribute most to the economy? It doesn't necessarily that because they are the richest they contribute the most.

In fact, as an overall rate of tax, the very rich pay the smallest percentage. Its quite common for people who earn 100s of thousands of pounds of income to pay around 10% to 15% effective taxation.
So an "extra" luxury VAT rate for things like rolex watches and Ferrari then?

or just a general increase in VAT - you'd not raise much by just targeting a a specific type of car for example

And please tell me why you think these top 5% contribute most to the economy? It doesn't necessarily that because they are the richest they contribute the most.

You seem to be conflating highest earners with richest. As far as private sector workers are concerned it generally isn't too economical to pay people high wages for fun! Sure you could highlight fat cat CEOs who've lost money but overall this 'top 5%' is going to include accountants, solicitors, engineers etc.. people who individually contribute far more economically than the guy in a minimum wage role.

In fact, as an overall rate of tax, the very rich pay the smallest percentage. Its quite common for people who earn 100s of thousands of pounds of income to pay around 10% to 15% effective taxation.

Again you're getting a bit muddled - we're talking about income tax here. It isn't possible for your effective rate of income tax to be 10% or 15% if you're a high earner.
Isn't the UK in more debt know than it was when Labour were in power? Sure I read that somewhere...
Well yes, that's generally what happens why a country is in deficit, you have to borrow each year to pay the bills and so debt rises due to additional debt plus interest on existing debt.

And Corbyn has the gall to whine at the Tories about his partys debt >.>
Isn't there a school of thought that May wants a larger majority so she can muzzle the hard core in the party who do want a hard brexit?

People get so obsessed with Corbyn being the most left wing Labour leader for 30+ years they often ignore that May is the least right wing Tory leader in over 50. She needs a bigger majority so she can tell the Thatcherites to shut up and fall in line (most of them refuse to follow a "red tory").
Again you're getting a bit muddled - we're talking about income tax here. It isn't possible for your effective rate of income tax to be 10% or 15% if you're a high earner.

Course it is if your are self employed which a considerable portion of of £80k+ are. Who said this tax was just for PAYE people? Labour says its for people earning over £80k and didnt specify PAYE only.

The current rate of 40% applies to self employed just like PAYE. But the self employed has means to reduce their taxable earnings down so their effective rate is much lower.

Al fayed earnt £10m one year and his tax bill was only £1m, an effective rate of 10%. Top footballers might only pay tens of thouasands of tax on millions of earnings. The list goes on and on. In general the more you earn the less percentage of tax you you pay. Its people on £50k per annum who pay the largest proportion of tax as a percentage.

There used to be a stat, not sure if its still true or not, that Northalleton, N Yorks near where I live had the highest tax paid per person in the UK. That was because it had a huge number of higher rate tax payers on PAYE. So very few low paid people and not really rich people, just lots of medium well off people.
Course it is if your are self employed which a considerable portion of of £80k+ are. Who said this tax was just for PAYE people? Labour says its for people earning over £80k and didnt specify PAYE only.

No I'm not just talking about PAYE - I am however talking about income tax! The labour policy refers to raising income tax - this has nothing to do with whatever exploits exist (either in reality or in your head) for self employed people.

If you're going to talk about people paying themselves with dividends or things like entrepreneurs relief etc.. then that is a different subject and unrelated to Labour's proposed increase in income tax aside form perhaps that increase simply encouraging tax avoiding behaviour from those who can(such as self employed people).

Al fayed earnt £10m one year and his tax bill was only £1m, an effective rate of 10%. Top footballers might only pay tens of thouasands of tax on millions of earnings. The list goes on and on. In general the more you earn the less percentage of tax you you pay. Its people on £50k per annum who pay the largest proportion of tax as a percentage.

This is nonsense as far as income tax is concerned.

If you're going to drop in random anecdotes about a specific case (such as Al Fayed) then it would be helpful to provide a link to that case else how do you expect anyone to reply to that point? I'd strongly suspect that this Al Fayed example isn't simply related to income tax and deductions.
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