Labours manifesto is great, the Torys have just done a grand job of convincing the population that they need to suffer for the good of the country.That's how bad labours manifesto is..
Labours manifesto is great, the Torys have just done a grand job of convincing the population that they need to suffer for the good of the country.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
Maybe the Turkeys have just got wiser and realised that if they get all their feed at once there won't be any left when times are hard. It's alright promising the world but we need sustainability, economic growth, and efficiency from the money we have not just endless hand outs
So two thirds of the country now support brexit and the tories are the most popular party across all social groups according to the latest polls.
I couldn't make this up lol
Labours manifesto is great, the Torys have just done a grand job of convincing the population that they need to suffer for the good of the country.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
As you've identified, there's two ways to cut a deficit: cut spending or raise more money through taxes.
However, raising more through taxes doesn't necessarily mean raising taxes. Growing the economy has the same effect.
The problem with the Conservative's cuts is that they've stunted this country's economic growth, thus making it harder to close the deficit.
Labours manifesto is great, the Torys have just done a grand job of convincing the population that they need to suffer for the good of the country.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
On another note, the labour party appointed former communist party member and antisemitic Andrew Murray from unite to support the election campaign this week.
All i can find is him being anti-Israel, which is a boring conflation that is supported only by pro-Israeli money.
yes i did, here it is again
You could even say the vast majority aren't.Not all people who object to Israel are antisemitic...
Brexit is stupid, damaging and being done for the wrong reasons. However, now that vote has happened, I do want the process to go ahead as quickly as possible.
That does not mean I am a Brexit 'supporter'. It's simply a matter of the sooner it happens, the sooner people will realise how they were misled, how stupid and damaging it is....and we can get on with the process of re-joining.
Claiming to be anti Israel is also the antisemite variation of claiming to be anti immigration to hide your dislike of certain skin colours and make it appear acceptable.
Not all people who object to Israel are antisemitic, but let's not pretend that you can substitute Israel for jew and it be OK.
it includes remain voters who think that Brexit should now happen because of the result of the referendum
This. And anyone using "the brexit result" as an argument for their agendas is just as stupid as brexit lol.Brexit is stupid