Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Unfortunately, our poll won't help us foresee what might happen to the seat breakdown, which is the really interesting part. Will the Cons increase their majority at the expense of Lab ? If LibDems bounce back, at whose expense will it be ?
Dunno what to do now, I was planning to vote Labour as I like my local Labour candidate, but having seen Corbyn's "infinite money to **** away" manifesto I'm in two minds. I don't want to vote for the Tories as despite having the least right wing leader they have had in half a century they are still bad for the NHS and Wales IMO. I like the Lib Dem policies but their leader has the appeal of warts.
Well the reality is that Corbyn is unlikely to rule with any majority, so if the Lib Dems have to come in, then his manifesto will be softened. Also 2/3rds of Labour dont want to work with him much anyway, so that majority will be pretty much nulled.

However, that'd be perfect for the closest thing we can get to a balanced government.
Perhaps things have moved on in the last couple of years but the following was true in 2015, and didnt include added bonuses like the extra employment expenses you can legally claim which you cant as a PAYE employee. Was easy to legally reduce that taxable income down even further to leave the self employed person around 20% effective tax.

You provide a straight monetary comparison - you forgot to add that for these LTD's somewhere in there you have to account for
accountancy fees
lack of holiday pay
pretty much non existent sick pay
I would expect to be out of work for at least 1 month each year - probably more.
Sort out your own pension
Supply your own kit

You cant compare apples and pears - which is why there are different tax systems for the PAYE / LTD owner
You provide a straight monetary comparison - you forgot to add that for these LTD's somewhere in there you have to account for
accountancy fees
lack of holiday pay
pretty much non existent sick pay
I would expect to be out of work for at least 1 month each year - probably more.
Sort out your own pension
Supply your own kit

You cant compare apples and pears - which is why there are different tax systems for the PAYE / LTD owner

Although some of those things have merit, holidays isnt one of them as my example was the ltd company person getting £80k a year, the same as the employee therefore it doesn't matter if the ltd company person has a holiday he is still getting £80k headline (of course the months holiday might mean the company doesnt make £80k profit to be able to pay him the headline amount)

ANd yes there are some accountancy fees and insurance costs but equally there are all the expenses allowed to be claimed which reduce the tax payable.

Until stakeholder pensions came along, you quite often had to sort your own pension out anyway or if it is on top, its the same for the limited company eg you are paid £80k through wages and dividends and another £10k pension on top.
Heard a labour voter on the radio today saying that it was a great manifesto but what we needed was a stable leader for Brexit so he was voting May but if Labour put out the same manifesto next election then it would get his vote for what the world needs to look like post Brexit.
Heard a labour voter on the radio today saying that it was a great manifesto but what we needed was a stable leader for Brexit so he was voting May but if Labour put out the same manifesto next election then it would get his vote for what the world needs to look like post Brexit.


Youtube Comments said:
- In 1923, caused massive instability by attempting to govern alone as the 2nd largest party
- In 1923, increased our national debt
- In 1923, increased inflation
- In 1929, increased our national debt (even more!)
- In 1929, increased inflation afain
- In 1945, after election, spent excessively even though the war had ended.
- In 1945, continued food rations instead of letting people have freedom
- In 1945, increased everyone's taxes, including the poor, discouraging investment
- In 1945, nationalised the railroads leading to their decline in income until 1995 (privatisation).
- In 1945, Increased unemployment
- In 1945, due to nationalisation, the British tax payers have payed over £40 Billion in subsidies
- In 1945, grew the government to unprecedented levels leading to a slow economic recovery.
- In 1947, established the NHS, leading to poor quality, high demand health care.
- In 1950, Increased unemployment
- In 1950, Increased our national debt
- In 1964, got elected and subsequently ruined education through national standards
- In 1964, Increased unemployment
- In 1964, Increased national debt
- In 1966, got reelected again and ruined education, and augmented trade union power
- In 1966, Increased national debt even more.
- In 1966, decreased unemployment even more.
- In 1966, increased inflation
- In 1970, lost after failing to quell labour unions
- In 1974 (February), formed a government after placing second in popular vote (again!)
- In 1974, (February), increased national debt
- In 1974 (February), increased unemployment
- In 1974 (October), increased unemployment_again_
- In 1974 (October), increased national debt some more
- In 1974 (October) and until 1979, health waiting lists went up 250,000
- In 1974 (October) and until 1979, nurses pay went down 20% (real terms)
- In 1975, lost the EU Referendum
- In 1976, elected a new leader whom increased unemployment even more.
- In 1976, with the new Callaghan government, debt went up.
- In 1978, appeased violent trade unionists demanding 3 day weeks.
- In 1979, caused the winter of discontent, by strengthening unions
- In 1979, cut spending per pupil
- In 1979, increased inflation to record levels
- In 1979, was forced into an election because even parliament lost confidence in it.
- In 1982, endorsed joint sovereignty over the Falklands
- In 1983, ran under the pledges to scrap trident, nationalise the industries, and tax heavily
- In 1994, elected a leader that won in 1997 by copying Tory policy
- In 1997, promised not to introduce tuition fees. They didn't.
- In 1997, promised to end "Tory boom and bust". They didn't.
- In 1997, promised not to raise any taxes. They of course did anyways.
- In 1997, promised to reduce car traffic.This was up 7% in 2002
- In 1997, raised council tax
- In 1998, introduced tuition fees (good, but they broke a promise)
- In 1999, tried to get the UK to join the euro
- In 2000, failed to address yet another strike
- In 2000, caused the millenium dome scandal, wasting tax payer money
- In 2001, again promised not to raise _any_taxes. They of course did so anyway
- In 2003, got Britain in to the Iraq war ending in disaster for everyone
- In 2004, labour's regional assembly initiative was defeated, against all odds.
- In 2005, promised to put EU Constitution to public vote. They didn't and signed Lisbon Treaty
- In 2005, promised to continue to cut debt. They didn't and grew a deficit of £160 Billion.
- In 2005, promised to cut inflation to 2%. It rose to 3.7%
- In 2005, failed to address the 10,000 unsatisfactory schools.
- In 2005, promised to reduce tax yet again! They failed to live up to this.
- In 2005, promised to prevent boom and bust. - In 2005, Labour curved several civil liberties in response to terrorism
- In 2006, Tony Blair became the first sitting Prime Minister to be questioned by the police.
- In 2007, elected Gordon Brown as Prime Minister without calling a General Election
- In 2008, promised to lead the world out of the Recession. We didn't
- In 2008, returned to its traditional roots of nationalisation, causing
- In 2009, Gordon Brown claimed to have saved the world in parliament.
- In 2009, a major expense scandal broke out causing the labour speaker to resign
- In 2010, after Gordon Brown resigned, the Milliband brothers faught eachother
- In 2010, after losing around 90 seats, attempted to stay in power
- In 2010, labour finally left downing street, and the economy started to recover
- In 2010, after leaving downing street, the Conservatives found a note saying the treasury has no money
- In 2013, Jack Straw admited Labour made a "spectacular" mistake on immigration.
- In 2015, Ed Milliband misled the press by taking them in to his small, second kitchen
- In 2015, Ed Milliband misled public after
- In 2015, elected a leader which has claimed to be an "unapologetic Marxist"
- In 2016, refused to actively campaign in the Brexit referendum to better divide the Tories
- In 2016, held another election because Jeremy Corbyn failed to campaign well
- In 2017, has announced plans to nationalise energy, Royal Mail, and much more
- In 2017, has announced plans to raise borrowing by £500 billion They cannot be trusted. They establish discord, promote economic disaster, and ultimately hurt this great country. Do not vote Labour
Note: Increase in debt and unemployment represent entire duration of government
I'm surprised to see the poll on this thread giving 23% to Labour. I would have thought this place veered towards the Right wing, demographically. Either Labour are going to do better than I expect (not hard, admittedly) or all my stereotypes of this place are off. :)
I'm surprised to see the poll on this thread giving 23% to Labour. I would have thought this place veered towards the Right wing, demographically. Either Labour are going to do better than I expect (not hard, admittedly) or all my stereotypes of this place are off. :)
I'm actually surprised that the Lib Dems are not doing a lot better, considering brexit is the most important thing, the angst in the brexit thread, and what a 'terrible idea' it is to leave the EU, what with the Lib Dems being the only party to say they wouldn't leave. If 48% of the population don't want to leave the EU (supposedly higher now) then I wonder why the Lib Dems don't have at least 48% of the vote...
I actually find it hilarious that the people who are complaining bitterly about brexit are voting for the party that gave them brexit!
Strong and stable eh...
abbots off again, this time upsetting the cops at their conference stating spit guards shouldn't be used as they arnt needed to protect officers from aids or hep c in saliva from suspects. then walks off the stage the wrong way.
abbots off again, this time upsetting the cops at their conference stating spit guards shouldn't be used as they arnt needed to protect officers from aids or hep c in saliva from suspects. then walks off the stage the wrong way.

LOL she's a complete liability.

I really don't see what the controversy is re: spit guards - they're simply there to protect officers from scumbags they have to deal with, it isn't like they cause any pain or suffering for the prisoner - they've just got to wear a silly mask... so what?
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