Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Of all the Labour manifesto commitments relating to nationalisation; why the Royal mail?

im guessing the CWU is still demanding it or they will withdraw money from labour, same as many of the other things in the manifesto i bet. gotta keep the unions happy.
I'm actually surprised that the Lib Dems are not doing a lot better, considering brexit is the most important thing, the angst in the brexit thread, and what a 'terrible idea' it is to leave the EU, what with the Lib Dems being the only party to say they wouldn't leave. If 48% of the population don't want to leave the EU (supposedly higher now) then I wonder why the Lib Dems don't have at least 48% of the vote...
I actually find it hilarious that the people who are complaining bitterly about brexit are voting for the party that gave them brexit!
Strong and stable eh...

You should never elect a government based on just one policy, joining the eu again. Plus that probably means all our vetos will be gone and other hard fought stuff.
I'm actually surprised that the Lib Dems are not doing a lot better, considering brexit is the most important thing, the angst in the brexit thread, and what a 'terrible idea' it is to leave the EU, what with the Lib Dems being the only party to say they wouldn't leave. If 48% of the population don't want to leave the EU (supposedly higher now) then I wonder why the Lib Dems don't have at least 48% of the vote...
I actually find it hilarious that the people who are complaining bitterly about brexit are voting for the party that gave them brexit!
Strong and stable eh...

While I see why you have written that and it sounds very logical, the biggest problem as I see it for Lib Dems is they are coming into this election in a very weak condition. Without checking, I'd hazard a guess that they were third or lower in most constituencies in 2015 and many voters like me simply see a vote for them as wasted and helping a Tory landslide.

Many voters simply won't have faith that they can rip up the recent rulebook in constituencies that have a history of being Tory or Labour, while we have this obsurd first past the post system in place.

But who knows, by voting day we will have had almost a year since the Pinocchio referendum and the increasing cost of living may make people vote Lib Dem simply on their Brexit stance... Despite Tim Farron becoming PM for the next few years.
lol I find it funny that they talk about housing when they accelerated the reduction of home builds, they introduced crappy teachers, they made the rich richer via ppp which is a joke and we are still paying for it. Labour destroyed this country with all the increased debt and poor NHS services, introduction of various laws which caused the police to abandon investigations. Labour is a pure joke, same as the lib-dems, the cons arent that far behind.
Although some of those things have merit, holidays isnt one of them as my example was the ltd company person getting £80k a year, the same as the employee therefore it doesn't matter if the ltd company person has a holiday he is still getting £80k headline (of course the months holiday might mean the company doesnt make £80k profit to be able to pay him the headline amount)

ANd yes there are some accountancy fees and insurance costs but equally there are all the expenses allowed to be claimed which reduce the tax payable.

Until stakeholder pensions came along, you quite often had to sort your own pension out anyway or if it is on top, its the same for the limited company eg you are paid £80k through wages and dividends and another £10k pension on top.

They all have merit. Everything he states costs money, yet you make it sound like a benefit that you have to spend money to get a reduction in tax. You have to be insane to think having to spend money on accountancy fees and insurances is ok just because you can write down 20% in corporation tax, I'd rather not have to spend the money at all.

On top of what he listed, ltd company contractors do not get any employment rights or protection, so the two are utterly incomparable.
I have just started the ltd company contractor route, yes if you can guarantee consistent contracts at decent rates, and you never go sick, then yes can be a great earner.

It's at a cost though, being a permie is much much easier, all on a plate, imagine having to find a new job every 6 months, how would you like being told you have to have 2 weeks off over Xmas without pay?
I'm actually surprised that the Lib Dems are not doing a lot better, considering brexit is the most important thing,

I read a poll which indicated that Brexit - or rather, fighting Brexit - is no longer the main issue. I forget the details, but support for Brexit had increased to over 60% and a large part of the rest (>20% of total) still wanted it to go through. Only a small minority still opposed it. Part of the democratic process is that you respect the result even if you disagree with it.

Brexit is a done deal so no wonder that those who are fighting it are doing so poorly.
I have just started the ltd company contractor route, yes if you can guarantee consistent contracts at decent rates, and you never go sick, then yes can be a great earner.

It's at a cost though, being a permie is much much easier, all on a plate, imagine having to find a new job every 6 months, how would you like being told you have to have 2 weeks off over Xmas without pay?

or turn up to work to be told your'e canned with immediate effect which is a standard contract clause if they have no work for you to do.
or turn up to work to be told your'e canned with immediate effect which is a standard contract clause if they have no work for you to do.

Not certain what world you work in, but this isnt standard in mine. Usually at least 1 week paid, or for some 1 month.
Grab 'em by the pussy breast

He's so calm when he pushes her away - surely he must have realised part way through that he had inadvertently pushed her in a place he perhaps shouldn't have! :eek: Yet he just carries on un-phased...
lol I find it funny that they talk about housing when they accelerated the reduction of home builds, they introduced crappy teachers, they made the rich richer via ppp which is a joke and we are still paying for it. Labour destroyed this country with all the increased debt and poor NHS services, introduction of various laws which caused the police to abandon investigations. Labour is a pure joke, same as the lib-dems, the cons arent that far behind.

I thought Labour brought the NHS. social housing and comprehensive education into being in the UK. For the most part, people wanting major improvements for the many, not a select elite (which frankly you and no one on these forums are likely part of) if you're looking to May and Boris you'll be waiting a long time. Perhaps that's why the few billionaire immigrants who own the majority of our news media love them so...
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