Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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It was the financial crisis of 2008 that left the country with severe debt, not labour.

They did a few silly things like selling off Gold reserves at a very low price but Gordon Brown didn't have future cognition.
And thanks to all their previous spending the financial crisis was worse than it would have been under a fiscally responsible government... not to mention the debt we'd have at the moment would be much higher as a result of them not being willing to make the necessary cuts... Oh and now we've got all their crazy unfunded spending plans and nationalisation etc.. which again means even more debt.
Is the Conservative manifesto out this week? Be interesting to see the l̶i̶e̶s̶ plans they have for us all.
Bloody Lib Dem person on BBC breakfast saying once the EU deal is sorted we should then have a final vote.


Is the Conservative manifesto out this week? Be interesting to see the l̶i̶e̶s̶ plans they have for us all.

Whatever they see I think people here will lap it up and believe everything and question nothing.

The hate in the media for labour is strong I see today, Jesus.
And thanks to all their previous spending the financial crisis was worse than it would have been under a fiscally responsible government... not to mention the debt we'd have at the moment would be much higher as a result of them not being willing to make the necessary cuts... Oh and now we've got all their crazy unfunded spending plans and nationalisation etc.. which again means even more debt.

So after 6-7 years of harsh austerity, by a supposedly "fiscally responsible" government, the economy is in a better position, any debt reduction?

The NHS, Social Housing and Comprehensive Education were introduced in economically very bleak times, having watched the deregulated world of finance almost destroy western capitalism perhaps a return to a system with greater social sensibility is what is required, or we could put our faith in the deregulated markets and trickle down policies again?
At this point I'm probably siding with labour for the sole purpose of topping off the conservatives. Every party has a few iffy policies and for labour it's the introduction of this Robin Hood tax... which really does strike me as odd if we are leaving the single market...

Labours politicians are pretty ropey too and I have little confidence.

What a choice :(
So I've heard a lot of people, including my own family., say they are outraged that halal meat is a thing and that its cruel to kill that way..... But not have a care in the world about fox hunting and happily let one get ripped apart alive by a pack of dogs.
It was the financial crisis of 2008 that left the country with severe debt, not labour.
And the fact they had spent all the country's money, loaned more, spent it, sold off assets for more money, spent it and raided the pension fund (guess what, spent it) had absolutely no effect?

Granted the crash was coming however the policies of the Brown/Blair years was a major factor in making it much worse for the UK that it should have been.
So I've heard a lot of people, including my own family., say they are outraged that halal meat is a thing and that its cruel to kill that way..... But not have a care in the world about fox hunting and happily let one get ripped apart alive by a pack of dogs.

A lot of people are happy going through life being told what to think. Why bother wasting time and effort informing yourself when you can just have a rag tell you where you should stand on current affairs.
And thanks to all their previous spending the financial crisis was worse than it would have been under a fiscally responsible government... not to mention the debt we'd have at the moment would be much higher as a result of them not being willing to make the necessary cuts... Oh and now we've got all their crazy unfunded spending plans and nationalisation etc.. which again means even more debt.

So the Tories selling off Royal Mail shares at £3.30 was fiscally responsible, for example? They were grossly undervalued when they entered the stock market.
So the Tories selling off Royal Mail shares at £3.30 was fiscally responsible, for example? They were grossly undervalued when they entered the stock market.
Don't confuse pointing out Labour apologist nonsense with supporting the Tories.

What difference has it made to your life?
The same difference growing up around asbestos or people who smoke did. Not everything is immediately apparent.
So I've heard a lot of people, including my own family., say they are outraged that halal meat is a thing and that its cruel to kill that way..... But not have a care in the world about fox hunting and happily let one get ripped apart alive by a pack of dogs.

I honestly cannot understand how anyone can be for fox hunting... I eat meat, and can grasp the concept of killing an animal in order to eat some flesh, but killing an animal just for the pomp and giggles seems mentally deranged to me.
I honestly cannot understand how anyone can be for fox hunting... I eat meat, and can grasp the concept of killing an animal in order to eat some flesh, but killing an animal just for the pomp and giggles seems mentally deranged to me.

Totally agree. Terrifying defenceless animals for sport just seems majorly messed up to me.

I can understand the need for humane culling where the numbers constitute a pest problem but that's it.
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