It is uncommon, 80K is literally the top 5% of earners - That's 5/100 people.
If you earn 100k+ you are in the top 1% of earners - 1/100
That's still millions of people - and besides, that doesn't cover people who earn large dividends - that will cover PAYE for sure. There are a lot more actual high earners out there rather than middle earners in the 30-80k mark.
Look, I don't mind paying tax. I really don't. It's fair - but... it's the constant targeting of those earning over an arbitrary value which is supposedly "high" - that number keeps coming down.
£20 a week worse off - no that doesn't bother me. That said, I have no trust in the government or the NHS' capability of utilising this extra money sensibly. So that's why I resent it slightly.
Also, consider that what some people who are earning this supposed large 80k+ salary some may be single income families - paying a mortgage, bills, food, kids, transport (either public or private) and all the other bits and pieces - that 'huge' amount of money suddenly disappears quickly. Sure you'll probably okay and keep the family going - but you're not necessarily going to be "well off" or have potentially much disposable income. Or, if you're renting and wanting to save for a deposit, but still have the kids, and the single income, and living in/around London (typically associated with high earners) that 'huge' salary is actually not all that 'huge'. That salary if it becomes taxed more will become less over all than 2 incomes @ 40k.
Now if we were having a chat about people earning £1m+ a year with 50% bonuses etc... then I'd argue you'd be onto something.
However, thinking about it dispassionately 80k household income depending on your circumstances is not always as peachy as some make it out to be. Now of course you should be able to manage, and requires some sacrifices and a little bit of financial planning/being sensible, with that sort of household income. But it's not as if you will be driving a Ferrari, wear Gucci clothes, and have a pool and half a dozen foreign holidays a year!