Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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When the Tories win, I hope they'll do something sensible about the economy instead of constantly raising taxes and blaming it on a Labour government from 7 years ago.

I haven't had a tax rise since the Labour party were kicked out of government 7 years ago. Heck, since then due to changes in the basic tax bands I've had big tax cuts!
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I think if they reversed it now there would be a civil war.

I think there wouldn't. There hasn't been an even vaguely plausible chance of a civil war since the 1830s and even that would have been more in the nature of a revolution than a civil war. The situation then was vastly more extreme than this until the king used royal power to change the law. Not officially (i.e. he didn't just decree the law) but he did it undoubtably and openly (he rigged Parliament, very blatantly, to force a law through it). It says a lot about how serious the situation was when that was the least controversial course of action at the time. While it might be hugely entertaining to have the queen step in and use royal power to sort it out, I wouldn't bet a bent ha'penny on that happening.

But I think it would be bad to change governments now. It would cause even more chaos.

I don't think it would. The system of government within the country is robust and functions with changes of government. Politicians of other countries are politicians and will deal with whoever is there because that's how international politics works, especially in democracies where governments change quite often anyway. Look what's happened with Trump - even foreign politicians who openly spoke strongly against him now work with him and his government and smile about it (in public).
4 more bank holidays...


That would take me up to 77 working days off a year!

Where do I sign Jezza?

:D :D

"These holidays will be a chance for workers to spend time with their families, in their communities and with their friends."

Fat chance of that I'm contractually obliged to work atleast 4 of them and often have to work most of the others due to the realities of work - though on the flip side I usually get decently paid for them.
in the way that it has no real use - it is featured by a prominent organisation and open to all ergo can be skewed by whoever...

if the other poster is in disagreement that it is 'useless' perhaps he can explain what use it has?

Most of the polls have organisations behind them with their own self serving interests, they are all about directing and creating people's opinion, not measuring it.
Jermey Corbyn when asked to condemn the IRA:


Not too controversial a question surely? Does he condemn a terrorist group? Yet he does the standard politician response as if faced with a controversial question he doesn't want to answer... he dodges the question, he criticises the British military then he pretends he can't hear and goes silent at the end...

Yet he's quite happy to be vocal re: his opposition to UK military actions.


It's a nice idea, England and Wales have less bank holidays than most of Europe. Where it gets messy is that current employment law allows employers to choose whether bank holidays are part of the statutory minimum annual leave of 28 days for full time workers, the stance taken by different companies varies massively. For some, it would mean more paid days off, while for others it would mean less paid days off they could take at other times (reduced from 20 to 16).

I would like to see the working week reduced for full time workers to ~35 hours, given people either a bit more time away from work on each working day, or an extra day off if they did four days of 8hrs45mins
It's a nice idea, England and Wales have less bank holidays than most of Europe. Where it gets messy is that current employment law allows employers to choose whether bank holidays are part of the statutory minimum annual leave of 28 days for full time workers, the stance taken by different companies varies massively. For some, it would mean more paid days off, while for others it would mean less paid days off they could take at other times (reduced from 20 to 16).

I would like to see the working week reduced for full time workers to ~35 hours, given people either a bit more time away from work on each working day, or an extra day off if they did four days of 8hrs45mins

Man I'd love to do a 35 hour working week, instead of the 60+ I do currently. That would feel like part time to me! The bank holiday thing makes no difference to me though, we all work them anyway and get nothing extra for it either.
Dolph said:
I haven't done them all, but I fail to see why Corbyn's record is considered good and May's bad.

Well, of course you wouldn't, that assessment of Corbyns vs Mays record is your personal opinion only, not fact and is prejudiced by your own bias, which being the staunch (extreme) Libertarian you are, is usually pretty out of kilter with most other peoples.

There are plenty of Corbyn - bad, TM - good you have posted that I would disagree with totally
After the Tories have cuts things they said they wouldn't, which has resulted in a huge impact on my father's life (he cares for my terminally ill mother) I will never vote Conservative again in my lifetime.

The morons need to realise, if my old man's health gets any worse then she will have to go into a home at a far greater cost to the tax payer.

In fact, I may never vote again full stop. Because Commie Corbyn and nutty UKIP are getting nothing from me.

I said Labour in this vote, on the basis that Corbyn goes.

This extra bank holiday lark is a joke. I have to work them already and don't get paid any extra. They just amend contracts to include them.
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It's a nice idea, England and Wales have less bank holidays than most of Europe. Where it gets messy is that current employment law allows employers to choose whether bank holidays are part of the statutory minimum annual leave of 28 days for full time workers, the stance taken by different companies varies massively. For some, it would mean more paid days off, while for others it would mean less paid days off they could take at other times (reduced from 20 to 16).

I would like to see the working week reduced for full time workers to ~35 hours, given people either a bit more time away from work on each working day, or an extra day off if they did four days of 8hrs45mins

Best shift pattern I did was 4 x 10 hour shifts, Mon to Thurs. Loved it.

Far better than the 4 on, 4 off ....12 hour night shift rubbish I do now. Lose 2 days to adjust sleep pattern again.
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