Fox, if you're not even willing to discuss the topic but instead post silly immature responses or go round in circles repeating attacks on positions I've not even put forth then it is all a bit pointless. However to then come and state something is 'obvious' when you're not even capable of discussing it sensibly is rather dubious. This could easily have been discussed in far fewer posts and with much less disruption to the thread if you'd just dealt with the arguments presented and cut out the 'lol' nonsense etc..
That's an "answer" May would be proud of. Lots of words, no specifics. Nothing to argue against.
However, the specific point you've raised has been countered. You keep saying, "There must be some situation where an we can intercept an enemy nuclear launch order but nuke them first before they can nuke us."
There isn't.
Countries are well aware of our nuclear strike capability, probably even to the point of knowing how many minutes between the order and the launch.
If a country knows it would take them 10x as much prep time to launch, then they aren't going to issue a first strike against us. Because most world leaders are actually smart enough, or have smart enough advisors, not to put themselves in a lose/lose situation.
NK isn't going to order a nuclear first strike against us, or any nuclear power, unless it KNOWS we can't respond in time to prevent their launch.
A first strike is always going to be a losing proposition against any nuclear armed nation. NK knows this. We know this. Nobody is going to first strike anybody.
And that's why MAD works.
If, as you assert, there were scenarios where launching a first strike MADE SENSE, MAD would not work. But it does, because your hypothetical situation does not exist in the real world.