Warzone,pubg,fortnite....basically any and every battle royal game, hate playing them and dont get any joy from them at all, also games like tarkov, starcitizen
Have you tried the single player mod?Tarkov.
Spend 15 mins playing the game and then the next 45 trying to fit all the random stuff into your inventory unless you pay an extra £100 for a bigger stash
All for all of your hard work to be wiped out every couple of months. Then after a wipe you can compete for a few days before everyone who has no life has top tier gear and you just go in and hide from them.
No thanks.
The Dark Soul games. I wanted to like them, the lore sounded interesting. But all the fights being about knowing how to battle that enemy, knowing the timings, knowing what the visual cues mean and when you should attack - which as far as I could tell you could only know by trial and error or checking online guides. Who has time for that?
To be honest, I was really hoping someone would jump on this and explain to me why I'm wrong and how I can play and enjoy these games so I could give them another go.
To me they are just roll and slash simulators, very dull.I'm not big into the genre either but I completed Sekiro and it was fun and rewarding, though I think I preferred it as the combat is a bit more fast paced and relies more on blocking than rolling around.
You do get a good sense of achievement from taking down tough bosses or enemies, but you will probably die a bunch of times doing it. There is some scope to explore different parts of the world and get some upgrades though, come back and fight another day when you've unlocked more upgrades
I think it's just the way these games are, you will die and learn, and eventually succeed. I think the other Souls games would be too slow for me.
Ghost of Tsushima combat felt kind of similar to Sekiro, but is a bit more forgiving, if you get a chance to play that it's a good game, PS only for now but PC release suspected in the near future.
Have you tried the single player mod?
Same, if I die twice to a same boss/monster I usually alt+f4, cba with such games. Slow games in general (only exception are sims/strategy games). Hack and slash games like Devil May Cry of God of War I play on easiest difficulty, I care about the story and atmosphere and eye candy and sometimes exploring, don't care to much about the gameplay, just cba. Especially if you have to learn special combo's or controls or take special care to respond to a monster (patience test), **** that.To me they are just roll and slash simulators, very dull.