Popular games you just don't get

Witcher 3 and RDR2. (Love Sekiro and Dark Souls 3 though :p But do not like Elden Ring= copypaste of DS3 with lots of generic open world padding)

Gameplay wise, W3 and RDR2 have simple, shallow combat systems which get boring fast. E.g. Witcher3 has no DS3 shield kick, no backstab, no Sekiro/SIFU-like stamina system where good parries lead to insta-kills. W3 also does not have multiple specila moves like in SIFU and Ghost of Tsushima. Instead W3 combat is boring dodge-slash-dodge-slash with big windows for free hits. Coupled with its easy difficulty- yaaaaawn...

RDR2's gameplay is about taking the first shot, then taking cover while red dots converge to your position. Take potshots at all of the dots, move the next area, repeat. Yaaaawn again.

Story wise, I am not playing games to watch a movie. Games are not meant to be watched, they are meant to be played. Sekiro's boss catchphrase "Hesitation equals defeat" is actually played out - the player is challenged mentally, emotionally, physically. It's not a mere truism catchphrase from some cutscene, you actually live out and fight through to understand its meaning.
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This was the issue - the 'learning' bit. I dunno if I was missing something, but I didn't see how I was supposed to learn in game. It wasn't at all clear to me at what point during the enemies movements was safe to attack, and I didn't feel like any of the feedback after an attack made it clear what I had done right or wrong and why or how.
So does 'learning' mean check a youtube video? Or am I missing something, and the game does make clear what you are supposed to do to take down an enemy?

I dunno I didn't get any special training or anything, Sekiro just started and off I went haha. The beginning eases you into it a little bit with a couple of early things you get access to including the healing gaud thing, and the first enemies are a bit easier (there is a boss fight you are meant to lose fairly early on and then you build up from there).

Same as anything you either like it or not really, I don't think something like Sekiro is for everyone, I just liked the faster sword play action with blocking mechanics and the setting was really good being sort of Feudal mythological Japan, just a good combo for me I think. Same sort of reason I liked Ghost of Tsushima, thought it's less mythological.

Every fight sort of turned into a mini duel, and you eventually do learn some patterns and what works well on some enemies and less well on others. There is an element of stealth as well as stabbing from behind is often an instant kill or a chunk off a boss's hp.
Dayz . Spend hours and hours walking before starving to death or being killed on-site by the first player you see after grinding for hours and hours .

Any call of duty after modern warfare ( the original ) they just got to easy and required little to no skill .

Fortnite … where do I start
How about vertical scrollers? I mean Rainbow Islands is a complete classic.
I just don't get why anyone would want to play a 2d game in any direction :confused: I know there are some popular ones, I even bought Cuphead, but I just couldn't get into it :( I just don't see the point or attraction when you have fully immersive 3d games that you can play instead :cool:
Driving games. I can get behind the whacky arcadey ones, but the driving sims... Why not just go for a drive in a real car?!
Because for driving like I really want to they'd take away my license in no time and fine me thousands! And it's quite dangerous...

But yeah, I stopped a lot of sim games (LFS) since I got a real car, must admit that over the past 13 years I haven't always behaved in accordance to the law on the road, try to keep it back to games now mostly.
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I'm a picky bugger.

Don't like:

Any battleroyale type games
Call of duty
Driving games (other than Carmageddon back in the day)
Witcher 3
Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA, pretty much anything by Rockstar
Fallout 76
Anything anime-ish or Japanese dark souls, Elden ring guff
Anything with microtransactions or loot boxes
Football games
3rd person shooters
Any online competitive FPS
World of Tanks
World of Warships (used to love it, then submarines killed it)

So what do I like?

Dishonored 1 & 2
Fallout 4
Company of Heroes (1, not 2)
AOE2 (not definitive edition)
Slow-paced realistic shooters (think rainbow 6 raven shield, GRAW, GRAW2)
Far Cry 3,4,5,6
Half-Life: Alyx
Black Mesa
Deus Ex games
Unreal Tournament (co-op vs bots at LANs)
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Witcher 3. Dialogue simulator, as dull as dishwater. Tried it so many times because of the hype thinking I must be missing something or haven't given it enough time....yet every time within a few days I'm bored and forcing myself to play it. The most over rated piece of trash I've ever played.

And any Battle Royale game.
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Exactly the same for me I like absolutely everything in the game. Except the difficulty, the biggest thing I can't get my head round is why they refuse to offer a difficulty choice, of it had an easy option I'd likely play all there games as it is I'll never try another.
It would truly ruin the game (for everyone), for a multitude of reasons, so I hope that never happens.
The enjoyment of the souls games is all about overcoming a challenge. People's favourite parts tend to be challenging bosses/areas. When you one-shot a boss, you are initially chuffed, but ultimately it is a disappointment.
It will ruin the game for other players because, it will effect multiplayer /invasion system and the temptation to drop difficulty shouldn't exist!
It would truly ruin the game (for everyone), for a multitude of reasons, so I hope that never happens.
The enjoyment of the souls games is all about overcoming a challenge. People's favourite parts tend to be challenging bosses/areas. When you one-shot a boss, you are initially chuffed, but ultimately it is a disappointment.
It will ruin the game for other players because, it will effect multiplayer /invasion system and the temptation to drop difficulty shouldn't exist!
It really wouldn't ruin it for me. As it stands it's ruined as I won't be playing it.
Red Dead Redemption 2

This one has poor gameplay. You die, got to start all the way from the beginning of a mission which sometimes involves a long horse ride leading up to the mission. Wtf..

Elden Ring (Or any souls games for that matter.)

It's just not fun. I appreciate the world and enemy designs, I want to like it, but it's the exact opposite experience I want from my time sitting down, playing a game.

I don't mind some souls games, but can't stand Dark Souls and I know I would not enjoy Elden Ring.

Anything not ultrawide.

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