Pork Pie Roundabout Madness

Doesn't sound very accurate - torture, by definition, is a deliberate act done with the specific intention of causing harm or distress.
I don't think pigs are deliberately tortured during the farming process, that would be very exhausting and time consuming for the farmers.

If you kept a dog inside for 5months, chopped its tail off, "trimmed" its teeth, suffocated it with CO2 , then slit its throat, would you consider that torture?
If you kept a dog inside for 5months, chopped its tail off, "trimmed" its teeth, suffocated it with CO2 , then slit its throat, would you consider that torture?
This thread is about pork, you can't get that from dogs.
Where did dogs come into it?
I'm trying to think of a joke that could combine a dog working in a call centre with something about the rat race, but it's been a long day and I haven't the mental wherewithal to come with anything.
If you kept a dog inside for 5months, chopped its tail off, "trimmed" its teeth, suffocated it with CO2 , then slit its throat, would you consider that torture?

These are the results of the food chain requirements of an overpopulated world (and country), without factory farming methods people would also be filling online forums with complaints about the price of meat and how little Freddie is starving.

This would be as well as moaning about energy prices now one of the major global suppliers of oil and gas has been placed on the naughty step. (Until developed countries are seeing unrest as their predicament goes beyond one of the warmest summers on record. of course).
These are the results of the food chain requirements of an overpopulated world (and country), without factory farming methods people would also be filling online forums with complaints about the price of meat and how little Freddie is starving.

This would be as well as moaning about energy prices now one of the major global suppliers of oil and gas has been placed on the naughty step. (Until developed countries are seeing unrest as their predicament goes beyond one of the warmest summers on record. of course).

Yea except we don't need factory farming at all, or any animal agriculture in fact.
The realities and practicalities of stopping a world of billions of omnivores wanting and farming meat to eat, and herding bovines to provide milk, and poultry to lay eggs I will leave to you I think.

haha bovines, poultry.... you mean cows and chickens.

Yea, it would be great not having to raise and feed 72 billion land animals a year. (globally)
haha bovines, poultry.... you mean cows and chickens.

Yea, it would be great not having to raise and feed 72 billion land animals a year. (globally)

If I meant cows and chickens then that's what I would have typed.

Bovines include bison and buffalo, which although somewhat uncommonly farmed in the UK are commonly farmed globally.

Similarly poultry are any bird farmed for their eggs or meat.

As a dedicated vegetarian or vegan sympathiser you should know this, it could be useful to your (lost) cause ;)
Its called an analogy..... nice dodge btw.
Nice dodge?

You stated that pigs are tortured.

I countered that your use of the word torture was inappropriate.

You changed the subject to a fabricated scenario where you replace the original animal with one that is more associated with companionship in an attempt to divert from the original debate (is the word torture correctly applied)

So please, don't talk to me about dodging.
Ah the usual. Blame everyone bar yourself for your obesity.

“Yea it’s the name really if it was called happy pie I’d never eat that”
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