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Possible Radeon 390X / 390 and 380X Spec / Benchmark (do not hotlink images!!!!!!)

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Some more details of the dies sizes of both Fiji and Tonga:


It appears Tonga does have a 384 bit memory controller.

It makes me wonder if the R9 380X will be closer to the R9 390 in performance!

Now we are starting to get to some truths, i have always speculated Tonga has a 384Bit Bus.

With 1796 Shaders @ 918Mhz and a 256Bit Bus its marginally faster than a 7970.

@ 1050Mhz with 2048 Shaders and a 384Bit Bus it will be about as fast as a 290P.

There is no way AMD are going to rebrand the 290 series as the 390 series, aside from the fact that they would never sell them they would also end up with a 240 Watt 390P performing about the same as a 190 Watt 380X.

IMO the 390/X will have Hawaii specifications but with a Tonga architecture.
Now we are starting to get to some truths, i have always speculated Tonga has a 384Bit Bus.

With 1796 Shaders @ 918Mhz and a 256Bit Bus its marginally faster than a 7970.

@ 1050Mhz with 2048 Shaders and a 384Bit Bus it will be about as fast as a 290P.

There is no way AMD are going to rebrand the 290 series as the 390 series, aside from the fact that they would never sell them they would also end up with a 240 Watt 390P performing about the same as a 190 Watt 380X.

IMO the 390/X will have Hawaii specifications but with a Tonga architecture.

That would make sense for some reasons:
- first: why are they waiting with the new cards, if they are the same as the old ones
- second: its almost certain that the R9-370 Trinidad is not just a rebrand its a refresh to GCN 1.2-> it had its own release planned to april, but postponed.
- third: given the leaked prices 390X close to gtx 980 they had to change something in the GPU, if its slower at the same price it won't sell

Still no one has an aswer if they moved the whole lineup to GloFo or just Fiji?
If they moved the old cards to GloFo that alone gives lower power consumption and higher performance as GloFos 28nm node is better than TSMCs
Probably coming from the AIO cooler that this will come with. :p

I'm ready :)

If I was AMD, I'd be reassessing the situation about what info to give out.
This is the worst it's ever been from what I can recall.

They are getting so much mindshare from keeping schtum. If they have the goods then I really don't see a problem as everyone will rejoice upon release... if.
I would guess that 20% of Amd's potential buyers of the new cards have already bought nvidia's new cards.

Waiting and waiting with no info is not good for sales.
390x will be their highend for 99% of people, Fury is just a vanity project that very few people will buy.

Which makes you wonder why they were so keen to use HBM v1 with its 4GB limit.

4GB on a Titan-class card is going to have a stigma attached, rightly or wrongly.

It just doesn't make any sense no matter which way you look at it. Perhaps they should have waited like nV have done to introduce HBM.
Now we are starting to get to some truths, i have always speculated Tonga has a 384Bit Bus.

With 1792 Shaders @ 918Mhz and a 256Bit Bus depending on if the game engine utilizes the front end of Tonga then it can be marginally faster than a 7970.

@ 1050Mhz with 2048 Shaders and a 384Bit Bus it will be about as fast as a 290P.

There is no way AMD are going to rebrand the 290 series as the 390 series, aside from the fact that they would never sell them they would also end up with a 240 Watt 390P performing about the same as a 190 Watt 380X.

IMO the 390/X will have Hawaii specifications but with a Tonga architecture.

corrected for you, I can see a tonga at 2560 shaders maybe getting close to 290p but not at 2048 shaders, unless it had headroom for 1300mhz on air.

edit i meant 2304 shaders not 2560.
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corrected for you, I can see a tonga at 2560 shaders maybe getting close to 290p but not at 2048 shaders, unless it had headroom for 1300mhz on air.

edit i meant 2304 shaders not 2560.
A 1000Mhz 2304 Shader Hawaii would be as fast as a 947Mhz 2560 Shader Hawaii.
seems unlikely as its Grenada so improved power and clockspeed and 8gb ram.
Tonga for more mid range 960 etc..territory

You reading it wrong, he didn't mean the tonga card, but tongas architecture GCN 1.2.
A hawaii card with 1.2 cores instead of the original 1.1 would be a good 980 contender. Better power efficiency, better tesselation, color compression.
Which makes you wonder why they were so keen to use HBM v1 with its 4GB limit.

4GB on a Titan-class card is going to have a stigma attached, rightly or wrongly.

It just doesn't make any sense no matter which way you look at it. Perhaps they should have waited like nV have done to introduce HBM.

Without the move to HBM Fiji XT probably wouldn't have been possible for AMD.

I can see it doing well in benchmarks but like you say releasing a premium card with borderline not enough memory at the time of release is madness really but I doubt they intended it, they probably just couldn't get 8GB HBM ready in time.

I'd expect the marketing teams to be going into overdrive on texture compression optimisations etc on release to try and dampen any criticism, whether it has them or not - either way it's never going to be a good replacement long term for the missing 4GB.
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and so a 2048 hawaii would need to be = mhz
and so a 2048 tonga would need to be = mhz

Unknown, its all just speculation unlike some people i'm not saying anything as fact.

The 285 is 22% faster than the 270X
The 280X is 3% faster than the 285.
The 290 is 30% faster than the 285.

270X 1280 Shaders @ 1050Mhz, 256Bit, 1500Mhz
285: 1796 shaders @ 918Mhz, 256Bit, 1375Mhz
280X: 2048 Shaders @ 1000Mhz, 384Bit, 1500Mhz
290: 2560 Shaders @ 947Mhz, 512Bit, 1250Mhz

Despite having only 85% the shaders @ 8% lower Mhz the 285 has 97% the performance of the 280X

15% + 8% = 24%, 7/10 scaling = about 18%

At this point a 2048 Shader 1000Mhz 256Bit Tonga would be 88% the performance of a 290.

Add +100% Bus width, add + 100% ROP's at 4/10 scaling.

Now at 92% of a 290.

Add 512 Shaders (25%) 7/10 Scaling (18%) + 92% = 110% (290X)

Add 20% Memory Speed 1250 - 1500Mhz @ 3/10 scaling (6%) + 110% = 116% (3% faster than a GTX 970 RE: TPU)

Add +5% GPU (1000 - 1050Mhz) 7/10 Scaling = 3% + 119%

IMO a 290P spec 1050Mhz Tonga would be a bit faster than a GTX 970.
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