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Possible Radeon 390X / 390 and 380X Spec / Benchmark (do not hotlink images!!!!!!)

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So presumably you guys are content in having to wait for an answer to maxwell, whilst simultaneously bleeding market share to nvidia?

Thats cool, see you in a few months.

I need a new monitor.
Not really comfortable getting rinsed for G-sync.

So I will sit with my 980 for now and assess the next AMD card when it lands. If performance/price is equivalent or better than the 980 at that point then I will hop back to AMD.

I guesstimate I will only end up a few 10's of pounds down. (2nd hand loss in value of a 980 versus savings of free sync)
What the hell are amd doing with this 390x it should have been released months ago to counter the 980 :(

I'm a amd fan don't get me wrong, can't stand nvidia, but what the hell, getting actually super pee'd off now that iv not had a shiney new toy since I bought my second 7950 way over a year ago.

Id grab a 295x2 but knowing my luck the 390x would come out the week after :(

AMD should had launched 390X a few months after GTX 980/970 launch back in Sept 2014, it took them a long time to get finished touched just a few months ago but AMD got another massive setback with excessive inventory of R9 200 series in the channel they face huge challenges to clear inventory. This is AMD's fault they made far too much Radeon 7000 & 8000 series and R9 200 series chips when markets don't need them as there was no demands so AMD blamed fans like you because they preferred to buy second hand cards like you bought second 7950 over a year ago. AMD also got a massive issue with grey markets with lots of second hand cards.

It just made no sense to buy new HIS 280X card for £215, it just a rebranded of 7970 with similar performance you will find second hand for £60 and a brand new ASUS R9 290 cost £227 this week while a second hand cost just £90 for 290, £139 for 290X and £300 for 295X2.

390X is due to launch in June but don't know if it will be hard or paper launch so you probably will be better off get this week offer Sapphire 295X2 for £497.99 and call it a day. A 390X likely slower than 295X2 in most benchmarks.
It's amazing how many times we've been told that June is the likely release date yet so many people are actually butt hurt that AMD aren't releasing the card in the next 5 minutes.
It also doesn't help when certain people come on here every 5 minutes sprouting out rumours as if they were facts when in reality we know nothing about clocks or prices of the card.


So presumably you guys are content in having to wait for an answer to maxwell, whilst simultaneously bleeding market share to nvidia?

Thats cool, see you in a few months.

And coming on here whining about it over and over and over again will magically make it come out earlier?

Everyone has made there stance clear more than once, yet a new week dawns and they start all over again. "No new card yet??", is it June yet? lol

As for market share, well I am sure people running AMD are not purposefully letting Nvidia do this, they must have their reasons. We simply do not have all the information they do to judge whether the card should be out now or whether it is ready to be out now.

Then why do you care about AMD and its "butthurt" fans?

What he said is true though and it is Nvidia users who are asking the same question having fun with it too.
Ferarri dont rush a car out because lamborghini just released one and prospective buyers have to yet again get mummy to put the toys back in the pram.

AMD & Nvidia dont work on release dates together to allow the consumer to make the best choice. They time their releases as strategically as possible so they corner a larger market for that time. Nvidia have done a great job in perfecting the 28nm process or strung it out across a series of cards. Seeing as it takes so long to tape out a arch and develop it, the Titan X was on the drawing board from the start of Maxwell.

AMD are attempting a move to HBM and with a lesser R&D budget than Nvidia may take longer and they dont release as often.

As others have said - it was never coming out until june. The only folk that are butthurt are those who are between buying cards and cant handle the ways of the world. Clearly they dont want to afford a Titan X if rumours that the 390x will give same/close performance for half the price.

But these are still rumours. If the release date is June, AMD would do themselves no favours by releasing specs/benches early as many would buy Nvidia cards. Especially if the performance isn't what they hoped. Whilst HBM is a new tech and 'should' give us increased performance at the end of the day for many consumers will want to see a decent perf increase in games otherwise may aswell stick with GDDR5, especially if AMD are going to add a price premium for HBM tech.


Or keep reading the rumour sites that get paid when you visit them. Again it's all sales tactics.
Love all the assumptions in here being bandied about as fact. No its "delayed" because of this or that, i've yet to see amd stating a release date so as far as we are concerned nothing has been delayed.
Ferarri dont rush a car out because lamborghini just released one and prospective buyers have to yet again get mummy to put the toys back in the pram.

AMD & Nvidia dont work on release dates together to allow the consumer to make the best choice. They time their releases as strategically as possible so they corner a larger market for that time. Nvidia have done a great job in perfecting the 28nm process or strung it out across a series of cards. Seeing as it takes so long to tape out a arch and develop it, the Titan X was on the drawing board from the start of Maxwell.

AMD are attempting a move to HBM and with a lesser R&D budget than Nvidia may take longer and they dont release as often.

As others have said - it was never coming out until june. The only folk that are butthurt are those who are between buying cards and cant handle the ways of the world. Clearly they dont want to afford a Titan X if rumours that the 390x will give same/close performance for half the price.

But these are still rumours. If the release date is June, AMD would do themselves no favours by releasing specs/benches early as many would buy Nvidia cards. Especially if the performance isn't what they hoped. Whilst HBM is a new tech and 'should' give us increased performance at the end of the day for many consumers will want to see a decent perf increase in games otherwise may aswell stick with GDDR5, especially if AMD are going to add a price premium for HBM tech.


Or keep reading the rumour sites that get paid when you visit them. Again it's all sales tactics.

ALL true except Half the price of a titan X :)
ALL true except Half the price of a titan X :)

I dont think it will be half the price either. I was referring to those that 'want it now' and 'AMD should have released a card by now' are in the belief of rumours that it will be Titan X performance for half the price. If they cant read 'to be released by AMD in June' then they'll read anything.

If it is equal in performance to TX it will be max £100 cheaper no more. Due to the Titan X, AMD are now forced to market it at a relative £/perf ratio. Price is easier to adjust - to match the mighty Titan in performance is a tall order for a start. But we need to see what HBM delivers. Maybe games will have to be programmed to take advantage of HBM so may not have an immediate impact.

I'd love it to beat the Titan just to keep perf moving forwards for us consumers. No one likes being milked from being drip fed performance.
Lol, AMD couldn't get away with pricing a card for £750.
If (big if) it happens to offer TX performance it'll be priced around the £500-550 mark ($699 would be my actual guess) that's also providing Nvidia don't release a lower tier Titan.

On the subject on wanting the card now, i don't plan on owning another AMD card for a while. Not until they've fixed the problems with 144hz@1440 etc.
the TX Clone will be the same price as the 390X, but this clone isn't due for release until after the 390X ................ so it looks like AMD have had it, because price for price, a Nvidia GPU is superior

this Clone has the same performance as TX but only half the RAM.....so it looks like Nvidia have totally outflanked AMD.

the only advantage a 390X has is price.....but has is now HAD !!!!!!

it's a great shame but AMD only have themselves to blame, the mistake was letting the TX go on sale unchallenged, because it's such a damned good card that you only have to drop its price in the summer and it'll be a steal for everyone

the TX Clone is already finished, it's waiting in delivery until Nvidia know exactly what price the 390X will be, it'll then be released a day later.......... .CHEAPER !!!!

so this might start a price war :eek::eek: who knows

but my guess is :- sod it, i may as well get TX as soon as new stock comes in
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Lol, AMD couldn't get away with pricing a card for £750.
If (big if) it happens to offer TX performance it'll be priced around the £500-550 mark ($699 would be my actual guess) that's also providing Nvidia don't release a lower tier Titan.

On the subject on wanting the card now, i don't plan on owning another AMD card for a while. Not until they've fixed the problems with 144hz@1440 etc.

One would assume they are going to charge as little as possible in order to claw back market share, but they might stick a massive premium on the 8GB top part and bottom out the 390P downwards. 750 tho, I don't see it, 600 or so sounds possible if it trades blows.
Lol, AMD couldn't get away with pricing a card for £750.
If (big if) it happens to offer TX performance it'll be priced around the £500-550 mark ($699 would be my actual guess) that's also providing Nvidia don't release a lower tier Titan.

On the subject on wanting the card now, i don't plan on owning another AMD card for a while. Not until they've fixed the problems with 144hz@1440 etc.

For the price concious a £100 saving for similar performance would be a 'seller'. As you are informed you probably wouldnt pay £750 for an AMD card. But there are many that dont frequent such forums and make their purchase decisions from tech sites and will base it solely on the perf graphs and price and what the verdict of the tech sites say. Only when they experience problems do they start researching and find treads on their issues and then open themselevs up to another world of knowledge. Most in here I expect to be well informed in the pros and cons of AMD & NV.

As for releasing more 'in between cards' to cover all performance ranges and prices I think some people need to get genned up on how marketing and sales work. Seems so many here are completely drawn into a 2 horse race and love it.

@malx - I hope the 980Ti comes out the day after the 390x. I wont have to throw my rattle as NV hasnt released a card quickly enough making me wait to see what is best bang/£. It's folk like you we're referring to above. So what if AMD hasnt managed to get many cards out. So they dodnt get any out. Nvidia have released loads to milk the gap. Great sales tactic. If upgrading tech is your hobby then awesome. I just want a rig to make current games playable. Essentailly I need a must have game to be released that forces me to upgrade and plays badly. Or like Farcry 4 I wont buy it as it doesnt have an Xfire profile - develpoers loss as I'll pick it up for cheap in ayear or two when it plays on a single GPU @ 4k. Playing many older games at the minute @ 4k and they lok awesome. Deus Ex, human Rev, Dishonoured,

I have no loyalty to either. So if the 980Ti comes out same time as 390X then that'll make t easy to decide my final purchases on the 28nm process once we see what HBM does.
AMD should had launched 390X a few months after GTX 980/970 launch back in Sept 2014, it took them a long time to get finished touched just a few months ago but AMD got another massive setback with excessive inventory of R9 200 series in the channel they face huge challenges to clear inventory. This is AMD's fault they made far too much Radeon 7000 & 8000 series and R9 200 series chips when markets don't need them as there was no demands so AMD blamed fans like you because they preferred to buy second hand cards like you bought second 7950 over a year ago. AMD also got a massive issue with grey markets with lots of second hand cards.

It just made no sense to buy new HIS 280X card for £215, it just a rebranded of 7970 with similar performance you will find second hand for £60 and a brand new ASUS R9 290 cost £227 this week while a second hand cost just £90 for 290, £139 for 290X and £300 for 295X2.


280X for 60 quid? where can I get one for Crossfirex :D
Most people spending in the £600 range I would suppose are well informed . The savvy also know AMD crossfire support and drivers are not on par with Nvidias.

The 980Ti if priced correctly will win over a much bigger market share in the £500+ range and multi-GPU users than what the 390X will. IMHO
the TX Clone will be the same price as the 390X, but this clone isn't due for release until after the 390X ................ so it looks like AMD have had it, because price for price, a Nvidia GPU is superior

this Clone has the same performance as TX but only half the RAM.....so it looks like Nvidia have totally outflanked AMD.

the only advantage a 390X has is price.....but has is now HAD !!!!!!

it's a great shame but AMD only have themselves to blame, the mistake was letting the TX go on sale unchallenged, because it's such a damned good card that you only have to drop its price in the summer and it'll be a steal for everyone

the TX Clone is already finished, it's waiting in delivery until Nvidia know exactly what price the 390X will be, it'll then be released a day later.......... .CHEAPER !!!!

What's your source for any of this? From what I've seen there's been no mention of the 980ti Spec or even if that's the name that it will carry from Nvidia themselves just rumours about the net from the usual suspect sites.

What you've wrote is just plain speculation with no facts at all, for all we know the 390x may be the best card of all time or the worst card of all time but until AMD release details anything that anybody comes out with is just plain guess work or speculation and those that are claiming Nvidia have finished their cut down version of the card and will release it a day later as a cheaper alternative are just guessing/making it up/hopeful.

For the record I would love it if you were correct and they did as it would make my decision a lot easier.
AMD should had launched 390X a few months after GTX 980/970 launch back in Sept 2014, it took them a long time to get finished touched just a few months ago but AMD got another massive setback with excessive inventory of R9 200 series in the channel they face huge challenges to clear inventory. This is AMD's fault they made far too much Radeon 7000 & 8000 series and R9 200 series chips when markets don't need them as there was no demands so AMD blamed fans like you because they preferred to buy second hand cards like you bought second 7950 over a year ago. AMD also got a massive issue with grey markets with lots of second hand cards.

It just made no sense to buy new HIS 280X card for £215, it just a rebranded of 7970 with similar performance you will find second hand for £60 and a brand new ASUS R9 290 cost £227 this week while a second hand cost just £90 for 290, £139 for 290X and £300 for 295X2.

390X is due to launch in June but don't know if it will be hard or paper launch so you probably will be better off get this week offer Sapphire 295X2 for £497.99 and call it a day. A 390X likely slower than 295X2 in most benchmarks.

I've never seen a R9 290 for £90 second hand, least I've seen is £130 and it went in about 30 minutes, would love to see where you saw a 295x2 go for £300 because I would get one myself and tri-fire lol.
I've never seen a R9 290 for £90 second hand, least I've seen is £130 and it went in about 30 minutes, would love to see where you saw a 295x2 go for £300 because I would get one myself and tri-fire lol.

I sold 2 yesterday for £95 a pop (abused cards) and another 2 today for £140 each. 295x2 I have seen as low as £280 but they range between £310-£380
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