What's your source for any of this? From what I've seen there's been no mention of the 980ti Spec or even if that's the name that it will carry from Nvidia themselves just rumours about the net from the usual suspect sites.
What you've wrote is just plain speculation with no facts at all, for all we know the 390x may be the best card of all time or the worst card of all time but until AMD release details anything that anybody comes out with is just plain guess work or speculation and those that are claiming Nvidia have finished their cut down version of the card and will release it a day later as a cheaper alternative are just guessing/making it up/hopeful.
For the record I would love it if you were correct and they did as it would make my decision a lot easier.
yes true it's speculation, but i bet it's right, because it deffo feels right.
you can bet your last dollar that Nvidia are waiting to see the 390X and if so, they're waiting for one reason only.
to re-release the Titan X at less than the 390X, With the RAM reduced to 6GB.
why should Nvidia release another card that's similar to a 980, that needs loads of R&D first, when they already have the tried and tested TX, it's far easier to re-release the same card.....but yea speculation only, just like the whole of this thread