KizZ said:
Fraggr said:BOOM! HEADSHOT!
Wrong side of the headbenjo said:
Poorly done i know :/
Inquisitor said:Wrong side of the head
benjo said:I think when you used the spray on tan, you got the rest of your room too
allllec said:Oh, another bad one of me =D god im ugly - just took this for another thread
Fraggr said:How long do you think it took your hair to grow about half that length?
Rebelius said:you look like you're showing off your cleavage.
allllec said:
allllec said:uhm. 2 years and about 5 months or so?.. god it really needs something doing to it.
ive litteraly for the last 2 years been like "i will get it cut just as soon as i work out what to do with it"
then i ended up here :| said:can you eat with all those bolts in your mouth?
Raikiri said:No, he has been starving to death since he got them... what a strange question