*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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Me looking particularly gormless :cool:

Must find pic of janitor from scrubs :p
So we can make jokes about all the other members who post their pics (be it about their dodgy hair or whatever) but not if they're fat?

there is a line, which was clearly crossed. even after he asked people not to take the ****, it continued, which at that point it became abuse rather than a bit of banter, imo.
Yes, because people get ahead in life by not speaking their mind :rolleyes:

is there really any need for this?

you're right, people don't get ahead in life by keeping quiet and not speaking their minds - but would you call a fat guy fat to his face? if you would, that makes you an ass, and you can carry on, knowing that you're an ass - if not, use some common sense and think that the guy probably knows he's fat and you pointing it out isn't going to be the miracle cure he's been waiting for all these years.

the attitude of some people on these forums is unbelievable - it's like just because you're on the internet, it's totally ok to **** someone off and behave like a total douche.

that's not aimed at you, Ascendancy, just because I quoted you - it's aimed at everyone who seems to think it's ok to berate this poor guy for no reason, other than his size
there is a line, which was clearly crossed. even after he asked people not to take the ****, it continued, which at that point it became abuse rather than a bit of banter, imo.

the way he said it an the smiles made it look like he wasn't really up set. (if he was he would have just took the pic down) rather than cry face an "your abusing me :(

And i assume the abuse that people gave/give sam is all justified cause he's thin?

Even such quotes as "your like an ugly skinny emenem" etc Don't see you getting all uppity about that :)

Then again that's not a self inflected problem that is undoubtedly going to cost us all in the long run :/
the way he said it an the smiles made it look like he wasn't really up set. (if he was he would have just took the pic down) rather than cry face an "your abusing me :(

And i assume the abuse that people gave/give sam is all justified cause he's thin?

Even such quotes as "your like an ugly skinny emenem" etc Don't see you getting all uppity about that :)

Then again that's not a self inflected problem that is undoubtedly going to cost us all in the long run :/

there are 19 pages in this thread, between the last pic i posted and the post before that, i would not have viewed this thread.
the abuse of the person in question now happened to be just after i posted my recent pic, so i noticed it.
anyway, you cannot compare the abuse of sam to this person, sam begs for the attention.
Yeah, not evil, just plain nasty I would say.

Just be polite and keep your thoughts to yourself. It might help you in life.

agreed !!!!

obese jokes can be in tatse if you can find them and most jokes are but some people go to far!!!!!
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there are 19 pages in this thread, between the last pic i posted and the post before that, i would not have viewed this thread.
the abuse of the person in question now happened to be just after i posted my recent pic, so i noticed it.
anyway, you cannot compare the abuse of sam to this person, sam begs for the attention.

Yes because putting your picture up is clearly not going to draw attention :rolleyes:

We could really just pick any random picture from the net and berate it?
Angsty, angry look, bad hair. Is it all fair game?

I think there where a few jokes when that one was posted >.> and yes everything i fair game tbh. Other wise your just picking on certain people, you have to do all or none.
so, the point of this thread is to post your picture so people can have a laugh at your expense? is that really what this place is about? I seem to remember threads like this a while ago that wouldn't degrade into really personal crap like this. people knew where to draw the line

We could really just pick any random picture from the net and berate it?
Angsty, angry look, bad hair. Is it all fair game?

Oi there's nothing bad about my hair it's in pristine condition :p But yeah, feel free. If I was uncomfortable about my appearance or didn't want the **** ripped out of me then I wouldn't post my picture on a public internet forum.
Oi there's nothing bad about my hair it's in pristine condition :p But yeah, feel free. If I was uncomfortable about my appearance or didn't want the **** ripped out of me then I wouldn't post my picture on a public internet forum.

I was thinking more the facial expression :p
to be fai i only post fotos up of me tht dont make me look big at 6ft 2 and a whoppin weight im a big lad and th very uncomfortabe with it but i dare say most people wouldnt stand infrnt of me face to face nd say it so that is reasuring but i hate having that over people im a bfg but i hate it when people see the line and go few miles beyond it its OTT AND NOT NEEDED
to be fai i only post fotos up of me tht dont make me look big at 6ft 2 and a whoppin weight im a big lad and th very uncomfortabe with it but i dare say most people wouldnt stand infrnt of me face to face nd say it so that is reasuring but i hate having that over people im a bfg but i hate it when people see the line and go few miles beyond it its OTT AND NOT NEEDED

Using the word 'foto' instead of photo makes you no better than Brian from Big Bro. 'Who's Shakespeare?'
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