*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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I was thinking more the facial expression :p

Thats just the way I come across in photos.


see :p

I'm actually quite a happy chappy in person :D
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Using the word 'foto' instead of photo makes you no better than Brian from Big Bro. 'Who's Shakespeare?'

saying Bro instead of Brother makes you no better than Brian from Big Brother - Who's Shakespeare?

edit: Ascendancy, what are you mad at?
drawing attention and seeking attention is 2 different things.
When sam posted that first imfamus thread it comes across as a slightly insecure person asking for a little conformation which turned into a massive **** ripping for several pages. Although he does seem to have come out of it with more confidence, after having to hold his own and confront the worst, that could face him through a more comfortable media(pc) than face to face.
Finally the last page... my mouse wheel has worn out, I've speant all evening looking at 50 pages and it all goes down hil the second someone really obese puts up a pic.
His choice TBH...
Pretty obvious he was "likely" to get stick for it.. anyway..........


moving swiftly on..
Here is me. :D

Don't ask.:o

and one slightly more gay looking one .
They taped a funnel to the top of the snorkel too so I had no chance of breathing until I'd swallowed it all, it was a mixture of beer, some Thailand hallucinogenic rum, whiskey, JD and god knows what else. I was swallowing for a constant 45 secs (everyone was counting... that was the game). :D

Didn't chug til about an hour later at the club when someone handed out some hideous free drinks with salt round the rim of the glass... only just made it to the bog.. there were loads of women (least I think they were women) in the way and I REALLY didn't want to technicolour yawn all over them.

Was still a good night though, recovered quite quickly after that.. :D
I've had the Thailand hallucinogenic RUM before, not nice stuff.. My friend bought it from thailand as a souvanier, what made it worse was there was 2 of them. didnt really taste of rum either. Also got some thailand Redbull, lethal stuff.
Aww, kinda looks like you're gob smacked because he has destroyed the sand castle you've built. Do you still have the one of you stood in your RX7 engine bay?
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