Post how many PCs you run 24/7 at home ?

None. I wake up and turn my computer on, start my downloads, defrags etc then go to school, turn it off when I go to bed. I used to leave it on 24/7 but I can't sleep with the light coming from the beast :p
I don't run any machines 24/7, and I don't understand why people do at home unless they're really into folding or some other reasonably worthwhile task. My main/gaming machine and my HTPC are both off whenever not in use, especially at night.

My router, however, is on 24/7.
A single Linux server (Unimatrix-01 ;) )- As you might guess, its constantly downloading & serves all my media files to the rest of the network. (Voyager- The laptop, Enterprise- The desktop & Defiant- XBMC Xbox. I admit I considered using the registry numbers, but that was just too geeky!)

I also run various web-based bits & pieces on the server to allow me to access & config the server/ downloads remotely and have various directories accessible via remote FTP.
I leave my main PC on most of the time but that is it these days. A few years ago I had a media PC (linux/freevo) which I used as a PVR and also a DNS/web/fileserver which were on 24x7 but since moving back to the UK I got Sky+ and harddisk capacity/price has changed so much I don't really need a dedicated RAID5 machine anymore to store my media. Also I've got a colocated server for my web/dns/ssh needs now.

The only reason I leave my main PC on now is laziness, plus I download quite a bit. However since getting 20mbps O2 broadband things seem to download in about a 10th of the time so maybe that will go out of the window too.
I leave one PC on 24/7 because I'm extremely wasteful. Quite often the other PC in the house is left on, but I don't use that so I can't be blamed for that.

I really should turn my PC off more. When I'm at home I leave it on overnight and there's no excuse for that really. When I'm in my place in Bristol, I do turn it off at night because it's in my room. During the day I use it on and off throughout the day so I leave it on. I probably should leave it on if I go out for the day.
Just the one that's on 24/7, it's a download server, and once I have a couple parts it'll be a file server too.

I hate having loads of PCs on, unless they are being used...but my house mates don't seem to see that it is just wasting power having theirs on when not being used...even after a hefty bill that was only for 3 people...should make for interesting bills when all 5 of us are here...

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