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Post Your 3DMark2K1/2K3 results here

2001: 17789 low score i feel.

2003: 9122.

XFX 6600GT
P4 3.4 800FSB
GeIL 1GB PC4000 Ultra Platinum
OCZ PowerStream 600w ATX2.2
I've installed my BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra OC today using the supplied nVidia drivers 66.93 and have run a test on 3DMark 01, 03 and 05 and here are the results below.

3DMark 01 Score = 17937
3DMark 03 Score = 10874
3DMark 05 Score = 5082
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Those scores are pretty low. I get more then that with my 6800 GT.

He's using the 66.93s.

I get a 10% boost in 3dmark05 scores going to the 71.xx drivers. Remember, as well, that 01 is a system rather than graphics dependent benchmark these days.

Also, what is your GT clocked to?
17" generic monitor
AMD Winchester 3000 (1.8ghz) cpu @ 2.345Ghz
OCZ DUAL CHANNEL 1GB ddr pc4200 EL @ 260mhz
my very very old keyboard which i love
mx510 mouse
thermaltake Xaser III with custom made side window
120gb seagate ide 8mb cache
160gb maxtor sata 8mb cache
200gb seagate sata 8mb cace
nec 3510 dvd writer +/-
liteon 52x24x52 cdrw
Audigy 2 driver mod to Audigy 2 zs with audigy 4 software
ATI X850XTPE stock
winxp sp 2

heres my scores

forgot to mention im using nforce 4 6.39 drivers with catalyst 5.2 and standard control panel

ok ill post some benchies

non overclock

3dmark01 21834
3dmark03 12377
3dmark05 6174
Counter Strike Source Stress Test 136.18fps

Only my cpu overclocked amd 3000 1.8ghz overclocked to 2.345Ghz with my memory at 260mhz with better memory i reckon i could over clock to 2.7Ghz easy. Graphics card is still stock, i may overclock it at a later date, no point atm tbh animatedwink.gif

3dmark01 27027
3dmark03 13377
3dmark05 6338
aquamark3 75361 http://arc.aquamark3.com/arc/arc_vi...?run=1494248311
Counter Strike Source Stress Test 179fps

looks like 03 and 05 arent as cpu dependent as 01 but i dont really want to oc my card yet, maybe ill do it another time....

heres pics of the scores


i couldnt get aquamark to work previously as it would crash at the score screen, then i found the modded dll on aquamark front page so i only got to test it with my cpu overclocked.
:eek: Temps reached 72 :eek: Whats the max for a presscot ?

Scared to go any further!!!!

Can someone help with memory timings at the mo my bios is set to SPD ???

Memory is running at 690MHz

CAS#Latency 5
RAS TO CAS Delay 5
RAS Precharge 5
CYCLE Time 15

It should run at 4-4-4-12

will I damage the memory if I set the timings manually and can set them lower ?
I think this is probably about the max. 05 score for my system now:


edit - only at #25 :( http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=615703

Dual 6800GTs. They really don't like clocking though... without water cooling them and/or using a volt-increasing BIOS(too much effort...), I can't get much more than this (395/1100, but that's not artifact free :( ).

I can probably get about 1000 more out of '01, if I could get the 66.93s to run Nature without capping it at 192fps throughout! Still, the ATI cards utterly own the nvidia cards for 2001. Odd, since it's not really GPU limited... Must be down to the way the drivers implement the calculations done by the cards.


Can't run 03 atm. This SB Live doesn't pass the sound tests (it bombs out on the final test).
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@ DUff-Man: if you can be bothered, it would be interesting to see if you can clock your cards higher when you're using them individually. Then we can know if SLI affects overclockability, or if you've just got a bad clocker.
manveruppd said:
@ DUff-Man: if you can be bothered, it would be interesting to see if you can clock your cards higher when you're using them individually. Then we can know if SLI affects overclockability, or if you've just got a bad clocker.

Already have done :)

Individually, one of my cards gets to 400/1100 no problems (didn't push it further).

The other *can* reach 400/1100, but has some artifacting in 3dm05.

In SLI, I pick up the exact same type of artifacting, but it starts to appear at about that intensity at ~385/1100. Pretty much artifact free at 380/1100.

Now, there's 2 possibilities for why this is happening. Either running in SLI puts a small overhead on the GPUs causing them to at slightly lower maximum speeds, or they're not recieving quite enough power. It's possible that my PSU is getting close to it's limit with both cards running, so I'm not sure. I don't really have enough other bits and bobs that I can disconnect to prove or disprove the power theory. I guess I could under-volt and under-clock my CPU... that should reduce the power load... hmm.

Anyway, they're not *too* bad I guess, but most people seem to be hitting ~420/1100 with their GTs, or 400+/1100 with SLI, and I'm a good 20Mhz lower than this :(

edit - got an Audigy2 ZS in here now :) I might run '03 later.
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That's interesting... it might be worth your while trying again when new drivers come out, they might have optimised SLI more. I assume both cards have to be running at exactly the same speeds right?
Oh, and, don't worry about those 20MHz, having 2 GTs is about 90% faster than having a single higher-clocked card!:p
Maybe you need to flash with a BFG moddeed ultra bios.
here are the results with my 2 cards seperatly and below it is SLI..

Card 1:

Stock bios - 413/1130
BFG OC Ultra Bios - 444/1170

Card 2:

Stock bios - 428/1200
BFG OC Ultra Bios - 463/1230

stock bios - 400/1130
BFG OC Ultra Bios - 430/1170
Yeah, I thought about doing that, but to be honest watercooling seems to be a lot of hassle - especially when I've finally got my system running pretty nicely.

It's not a good idea to do it with the stock cooling - reading around most cards seem to die a very early death! (a few months...)

And yeah, both cards have to run at the same speed in SLI. There's only one clock speed slider in the control panel - you can't adjust them individually in SLI.
Duff-Man said:
He's using the 66.93s.

I get a 10% boost in 3dmark05 scores going to the 71.xx drivers. Remember, as well, that 01 is a system rather than graphics dependent benchmark these days.

Also, what is your GT clocked to?

It can doo 11000 and above at all stock speeds :) ClickMe
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