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Post Your 3DMark2K1/2K3 results here

not on yhe internet yet but i got 2003:8388 2005:3250 i`m well chufted gone from a p4 2.66 533hz to a amd64 4000 with 1gb of 400mhz ram and a gigabyte turbo 6600gt (runs at 6800 speeds )mint my scores look well good compared to most others (not overclocked anything(noob)
ok ive bin overclocking again , not much increase though.
i now get 9791 3d marks with a 6800 @ 410 / 895 & athlon xp 2400+ @ 2139Mhz
with the 71.80 drivers
still aiming to get 10k+ :D

edit - o yeah its unlocked to 12 / 6 , 16 / 6 gives me artifacts :(
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Duff-Man said:
Looks okay to me :)

You tried overclocking that 6600GT at all?
Not yet, just finished building system a couple of days ago, will enjoy it for a few weeks, then start trying to get more juice out of it.:D
nice sys mate..i wish nvidia could release some drivers that liked my sys, so I can get a score like yours,, there are slowly inproving tho. I tried the 71.84 drivers last night and got about a 1000 more in 3dmark03 and about 500 more in 3dmark05. So basically I had about 19,500 in 3dmark03 and 8,900 in 3dmark05.

But I've gone back to the offical drivers again cos there still quite buggy, but getting better thank god, I never thought i'd see the day when drivers would finally start to like my system, Knowing my luck the next drivers I'll be back at square 1 again.
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platty said:
3D01 - 25830
3D03 - 20417
3D05 - 9273

Specs in sig.

Try the 71.21 or 75.90 drivers, and try clocking the GTs a bit (380/1080 should be very realistic for your GTs).

You'll get over 10k easily on 05 (~22k on '03).

Mine are pretty crappy clockers, and I managed to get to 10.5k.

How are you finding the PC P+C 510 SLI? I'm thinking of ordering one later today... How is the noise? The only thing that worries me about the unit is that the fan is rated for 34db(!) - which seems a bit loud tbh.
sunlitsix said:
^^ 34db isnt that loud , you should hear my vantec tornado fan then! (80mm) , it runs at 55db!!! well untill i unpluged it :p

Yeah - I've got a 92mm tornado here... what a beast.

I had it running in my old rig on the sp97 heatsink. That got 7volted pretty quickly... Still, fun to blow pieces of peper around the room with!

Anyway, I know that 34db isn't insanely loud, but if all the ratings are to be believed, it'll be the loudest component in my current system - which would be a shame!

I've been thinking of selling the tornado, but tbh I don't think I would dare sell it to anyone! It's inhumanly loud!
Hi just an update from me at the moment i am still adding the links to my nice new table and it is taking me forever given that i have other more time consuming projects on at the moment I am about half way through this thread and have noticed a lot of people not providing links. Hopefully given that I have some time off over the weekend I will make the effort to upload the latest versions of the tables. I may have to now include an SLi specific table not sure if others in this thread would like that let me know.
3D01 - 24567
3D03 - 13408
3D05 - 6293

not really pushed yet just mild overclocks on the pe with no volt mods or os tweaks YET :D
here is a little taste of how the new table will look
Sir Random 13884 6800 Ultra 465/1260 P4 3740 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2910887
the.m 7145 9800 XT 450/371 A64 2235 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2045250
defmech 6205 9800 PRO 432/382 Athlon XP 2195 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1757957
Lil old me 6585 9800 SE @ PRO 432/366 A64 2349 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2373459
Rilot 6778 9800 PRO 436/389 P4 3511 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2135907
Hellomoto 5966 9800 PRO 378/338 A64 1995 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2819414
Silent Bob 4930 9700 PRO 324/311 P4 3136 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1211622
Firegod 6867 FX 5950 301/972 Athlon XP 2524 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2459132
Syntax 5998 9800 PRO 390/350 P4 3245 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2105450
rollins 5771 FX 5900 XT 301/932 Athlon XP 1736 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2325533
sativa 6459 9800 PRO 435/345 A64 2120 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2198489
dog man star 6666 9800 PRO 425/351 A64 2423 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2374975
ashtray head 7017 9800 PRO 478/384 Athlon XP 2208 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2995033
YooEntSinMeROYT 12723 6800 GT 425/1197 Athlon XP 2932 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=3326632
DanF 6553 9800 XT 405/378 Athlon XP 2449 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2409446
Pr0t0c0L 7323 9800 XT 452/378 P4 3705 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2346285

These are just a few samples at the moment but it gives you an idea of what the tables will look like. I have managed to get a few more pages done so hopefully I may have it up by the end of Friday. So watch this space.

Also Thanks to all the people who have submited results and may the best Overclocker win. Have to say I am mighty impressed with some of the results I have seen. If you think there is something missing from this please let me know.
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