Post your bikes thread

£160 so top of the price range for gloves.
I need new gloves well I do and I dont, I need new goretex racer style ones but really dont want to spend another £140 on them when they only cut 1 glove off me lol, but I really like the Handroids, but I have not tried them on yet so might hate them.

The handroids will be the next gloves i get i think. already got 3 pairs but my old race BKS ones got totalled so need to be replaced. Wanted to try them at the NEC but they would only have the one. When are they out? :confused:
Yep, popular with the yanks and the umm french i think first, NG road racing are going to introduce the class to their calendar too.
Probably about time I posted the green rocket! Just finished cleaning the bike and renewing the chain. Shame I haven't had time to get it to a dyno and have the engine sorted out but that time shall come!

Looks good to me.

I normally hate green bikes, but that one looks good; and I'm not sure why it doesnt look awful (as most green Kawasaki's do).
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