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ANPR won't see anything if the software can't read it, it won't be able to if the font isn't standard or characters aren't normal. If the reg doesn't exist on the DVLA database it won't do anything as it's just a meaningless bunch of characters.

Not quite, if they know a false plate is out there a marker can still be created for it.
It looks like a kids toy car


there you go, next one's free JLR.
The problem with interiors these days are if they keep the dash slim and stick the screen on top everybody complains and if they integrate the screen into the dash it bloats the dash and everybody complains.

I personally wasn't a fan of the stuck on to screen but after getting my F30 I've got used to it and now actually prefer the screen on top.
the interior isn't as nice as the Type R or even the WRX's too bland, it needs colour highlights of some kind/wood trim etc
the interior isn't as nice as the Type R or even the WRX's too bland, it needs colour highlights of some kind/wood trim etc

Erm. It's a million miles away from either of those cars in terms of material quality and feel. I don't know about you but I like a non-distracting interior. I don't want lots of colours or silly design touches because they date really fast (look at any mid 2000s Citroen interior now).
How tidy it looks years down the line says how good the materials are. Just because something has soft touch plastic over it doesn't mean it's good quality :D
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