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Nice I like that project car, looks decent nick if thats the before.

saw Magnum PI the other day or the spitting image of, though I'm thinking of the wrong Ferrari as this was a 355. Very rare to hear a Ferrari full song but he stopped on the empty hill behind me and did a full standing start, very nice :) Other times I've seen Lamborghini Countach but only sounded like a milk float, sounds is more then half of the supercar effect imo

Is this two tone paint or just amazing -
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Really dont like that E-Pace at all, infact i hate JLR products lately :( I am clearly in a minority as they seem popular, but i cant for the life of me see why. The interior especially just looks like a cheap chinese knock off of a german interior to me.
The interior of that E-Pace looks nice, but it also looks really claustrophobic. But then that could be the way the photos were taken, I guess.

Yes I did a pretty poor job it’s better with the pano and would be miles better with the lighter colour interiors as they break the large surfaces up.


I think the belt line is a good inch too high which then make it look like a roller skate.... currently having the 21” wheels removed though before being defleeted so likely to show up on a Guy Salmon forecourt soon.
Really dont like that E-Pace at all, infact i hate JLR products lately :( I am clearly in a minority as they seem popular, but i cant for the life of me see why. The interior especially just looks like a cheap chinese knock off of a german interior to me.

They are trying to be more "German" with a smaller price tag I think. Which has also made them more bland.

Jag don't actually sell that many cars though.
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