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Why isn't it?

I don't know what you want it to be meant to be mate.

Because the DVLA say so. How are you struggling here?

It's not a legal format. It's not a legal sequence. The standard substitutes of 5 for s and 1 for i don't work with any permutation.
Sorry, my apologies for not catering to your exact spectrum position of autism.

I asked several times what it was meant to be, not what it is (believe it or not I can read), stated it was illegal and you still didn't get it.

So I'll say again, what's it meant to be?

Wow, that's really aggressive and expecting everyone to have memorised the number plate reg rules? Calm down, it's just some dude running false plates by the looks of things? That or it was for some kind of shoot? Odd place to keep such a car but it was just off the road.
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