Post Your Garden!

Here's mine.

Moved into the house in late August last year and have done no work at all to the garden. Hoping (fingers crossed) to start in the next few weeks planting it up and sorting it out.

Soil is Clay and prone to being sodden in places but I think this is mainly due to previous owners (Older couple) not doing much in the way of gardening. Any tips would be helpful.

What i'm thinking of doing is:

  • Adding some curves into the cutting of the beds (Straight lines don't look good in my mind)
  • Raise the bed height massively
  • Put in plants (as to which ones I have no idea)
So yeah, not as good looking as some of the others in here but this is a project in the works (or will be) and should look better in a year or two!
That reminds me of my garden. I find it hard to even know where to start to make it better. I go out into the garden motivated to do things but find myself just stood in the middle looking around wondering what to do.

I've not even taken photos of all the plants we have in pots from the garden center. Last year we went a bit mad as the Garden Center was selling lots of plants for £1 each so bought around 3 apple trees, 2 cherry trees, 1 mystery tree, 5 or 6 roses and around 20 more assorted items. That's in addition to all of the other stuff. Just need to sort out that mess and then get it all in. No idea where to start.

I'll go back to watching gardeners world and imagine it's my garden ha.
A before and after from my last self build.


What a stunning result. That looks really beautiful with an excellent solution to a hill in the garden.
Here's mine.

Moved into the house in late August last year and have done no work at all to the garden. Hoping (fingers crossed) to start in the next few weeks planting it up and sorting it out.

Soil is Clay and prone to being sodden in places but I think this is mainly due to previous owners (Older couple) not doing much in the way of gardening. Any tips would be helpful.

What i'm thinking of doing is:

  • Adding some curves into the cutting of the beds (Straight lines don't look good in my mind)
  • Raise the bed height massively
  • Put in plants (as to which ones I have no idea)
So yeah, not as good looking as some of the others in here but this is a project in the works (or will be) and should look better in a year or two!

I tend to put perennials in, so I only have to buy once. That's coming along really well. How are you managing to keep all your edges so neat, I'm rubbish at edging.
Afternoon all, guess is the best place to put my photos and a request for some advice. I am not a gardener in any way, shape or form, so go easy on me.

I moved into where I am last September and the flatmates admittedly hadn't done anything in the garden and over the winter it's naturally been left. As of last Wednesday, this was it


Flash forward to spending an hour or so after work and I've got it to this....


Obviously there's still fair chunk of weeding to do at the back (also hidden), but I was just wondering about anything I can do to spruce it up a bit on a budget? Cleaning the patio with a bucket and some bleach is my next step, but in terms of planting stuff in the small parts where I can I've no idea where to start.

Also need to speak to my landlord about the huge chunk of stuff just left at the back, with any luck he's co-operative and will appreciate a tenant looking after the space
Well done so far. The raised brick bed on the right with trellis would be fantastic for some climbing flowers (roses/jasmine/clematis. Need to think of the colours/smells you like too. If you buy any perennial (
a plant that lives for more than two years), at the end of it's season
, it may not look brilliant now but will be cheap and should return next year. The much
shorter-lived annuals and biennials with loads of colour, will be ready for planting now and will give a fantastic instant summer of colour but you'll have to go again next year and they may need constant watering. Garden Centres are often more expensive than markets or village/school fetes but you could always ask friends for cuttings. Best wishes. Pictures of progress please.
I'm not too fussed about taking stuff with me, if I'm being honest.

That being said with the timber at the back I'm now wondering if I can build some decking out of it, providing the landlord agrees and has no use for it (I don't see why he would). Would certainly make it look a lot, lot nicer
As per above, a couple of hours work tonight. Going through this left patch so far has been utterly tedious, more so because there's a plethora of thorns there the bloody roots go underneath the the patios. Suspect it'll take another good week or two before I'm even close to done. EURGH.



It's a big and useful space, which could be low maintenance once the weeds have been sorted. Well done with all the hard work so far. Q: Were the wooden planks bought in for some decking?
It's a big and useful space, which could be low maintenance once the weeds have been sorted. Well done with all the hard work so far. Q: Were the wooden planks bought in for some decking?

That'll be something I need to ask the landlord; no idea about those steel beams but I definitely want them gone. As for the weeds I'm think I'm going to struggle getting the roots of the thorn ones out; they're either underneath the patio or buried beneath that wall. Somewhat doubtful that any weedkiller will get rid, but we'll see how it goes
Been almost a year since I've posted here in that time we've attempted to add drainage which has helped although that I wished I'd put a run off top centre.

We've dug the small tree that was planted up and the result was water filling the whole within 5 mins.Ive already filled the watercan up 6 times full of water thats filled up,all i can think about is the only fools & horseshepisode with the peckham spring!

This is where the arbours going to go we're going to sit it on some stepping stones with weed fabric and slate.

We're going to plant a few climbers around the arbour

Now I just need to work out the best way to create a boarder around the grass and slate as it's a nightmare to cut.


Looking for a bit of advice with decking. Iv got a concrete slab under half my area for my new decking i will be utilising the other half is just above soil. Is it worth laying a membrane and/or rubble etc down prior to building my decking over it?
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