Post Your Garden!

Does "actively growing" mean that it has to be sunny/morning or that it's the right time of year like spring/summer? If I do it at dusk tonight, would that be ok?

I think it just means not drought or freezing conditions. Any time of day or night is fine as far as I'm aware. Not sure if rainfall affects it but I tend to do it when I don't think it'll rain in case it dilutes it or something?
I think it just means not drought or freezing conditions. Any time of day or night is fine as far as I'm aware. Not sure if rainfall affects it but I tend to do it when I don't think it'll rain in case it dilutes it or something?

Rain could well have been the issue last year. Maybe it washed it off the broad leaves and didn't quite finish the job.

Seems bone dry at the moment with no rain for the next few days so fingers crossed.

What happens when the weed is dead? I probably can't dig it out as it's like ground covering clover type stuff running through the grass that I want to kill.
I let the weeds shrivel up and die on there own. No point removing them as you might as well do that now by hand if you're going to do that. At most I've had to put down some grass seed and soil in a couple of areas that were left bare by the dead weeds, but once they're dead you can overseed straight away and the grass should take over.
Weedol has gone on tonight. I was even more shocked at how much of the lawn is weeds rather than grass. I hope it works!

The sprayer was definitely far better than the watering can. I put 45ml per 2litres so 50% more than the recommended dose. If my lawn dies then we'll know why. :p

I'll update in a little while with what happens.
Spent the weekend building out a rockery at the bottom end wall of the garden to match the top end rockery

Yep, best decision we made for the garden/dog. I did a whole thread on the transformation a little while ago.

Looks really nice for artificial, I am still in 2 minds about it but when you see the slightly more expensive ones down with additional colours it does start looking like a great alternative.
Seeing that has started to make me wonder too. Have always assumed they generally look rubbish and blatantly fake, but with that (albeit small) photo, I had no idea.
Seeing that has started to make me wonder too. Have always assumed they generally look rubbish and blatantly fake, but with that (albeit small) photo, I had no idea.

Excuse my morning breakfast, but I tried to capture something just now a little closer so you can see :)

This is how the garden was when we move in in January (a bit of work done before this photo was taken)

and now...


I'm especially proud of the grass. A lot of care and attention went into making it as good as it is now. More work to be had though for the whole garden.
been busy for the last week.
still a few things to go in but looking great compared to how it was :)

made the mistake of no pic before doh





It's taken a few years but here's my garden progress.

This was taken in winter so is extra dreary but not the nicest area to look out onto.

Looking back towards the house with the crappy leaking conservatory that was boiling in summer and freezing in winter.

Even in summer the bottom of the garden was always in shade due to the large willow and conifer.

Over the years I was slowly removing plants, shrubs and trees.
Eventually I decided to just rip everything out and start again.

The trampoline at the bottom of the garden is on it's last legs so I'll soon have some space there to do something with.
I'm mulling over the idea of a koi carp pond but my head is telling me otherwise.

Knocked the conservatory down and got an extension built.
Many trailer loads to the tip later and the garden is looking slightly tidier. I've been trying my best with the bigger lawn too having used iron sulphate, scarified, overseeded, weedol and summer fertiliser. I've left the other two which is why they look so bar. It's been pretty hard work but pleased with how it's coming along.







It's taken a few years but here's my garden progress.

This was taken in winter so is extra dreary but not the nicest area to look out onto.
It's taken a few years but here's my garden progress.

This was taken in winter so is extra dreary but not the nicest area to look out onto.
Looking back towards the house with the crappy leaking conservatory that was boiling in summer and freezing in winter.

Even in summer the bottom of the garden was always in shade due to the large willow and conifer.

Over the years I was slowly removing plants, shrubs and trees.
Eventually I decided to just rip everything out and start again.
The trampoline at the bottom of the garden is on it's last legs so I'll soon have some space there to do something with.
I'm mulling over the idea of a koi carp pond but my head is telling me otherwise.

Knocked the conservatory down and got an extension built.

Awesome garden. Love it :)

Thought I'd share mine. I've been in my new build for nearly 3 years now. Bought off plan and so anything in the garden was an extra (had them pay for and contribute to other things in sacrifice of the garden). I've been slowly chiseling away, I have procrastinated and procrastinated! I spent so much time originally fighting off weeds, moving weed membranes to work on other bits, not doing work on it for months at a time etc. So to have finally finished it has given me a bit of a sense of achievement.

Effectively I've gone from a slope of dirt to a 3 tiered garden.Upper is decking, middle is artificial grass and paving behind the garage, and then the lower is a decorative aggregate. All low maintenance as I really don't want to spend time tending to a garden!








Thanks for looking
^good work

I like the rope stepping stones :)

I'd of sacrificed the pebbles along the garage wall though and planted some really low maintenance plants to add some colour to the garden
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