I just found an old picture of my 2000 setup when I had to move into a tiny room and had to mount everything together, even has my old CRT still and the whole thing was over 6ft tall It's all gone now, got a HTPC linked to a 42" Toshiba LCD with a Sony 5.1 all'n'one system.
Marantz CD-6000KI Sig CD Player
Rotel RB-991 Power Amp
Rotel RA-971 mkII Integrated Amp
B&W 605 Speakers
Marantz 5400 AV Amp
Marantz DVD Player (can't remember model)
Mission 700 series speakers
Yamaha YST-SW800 Subwoofer
Matsui 28in CRT (Widescreen )
Marantz CD-6000KI Sig CD Player
Rotel RB-991 Power Amp
Rotel RA-971 mkII Integrated Amp
B&W 605 Speakers
Marantz 5400 AV Amp
Marantz DVD Player (can't remember model)
Mission 700 series speakers
Yamaha YST-SW800 Subwoofer
Matsui 28in CRT (Widescreen )