Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...



Added a pair of monitor audio silver rx8's in gloss black :cool: (biamped), a yamaha rx-v2067 and a 3d htpc (also does classic console duties). :D

Todo list: rx centre, wire old 9.1 'dales as rears, armchair, clean room of boxes + get more 3d content.

I have to say, I'm normally a sceptic when it comes to audio. However the new amp and speakers blow my old setup cleanly out of the water.

sorry about the bad picture. Finally got the rest of the order today. :)
I don't have a stand or 'proper' place to house it yet...

beyerdynamic dt770 'pro' 80ohm
Rega Ear
Rega Apollo
+ a whole lot of :)
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Hahaha a thread on home cinema setups and you notice the radiator, brilliant :D!

Nice setup, is it in the attic?

The sofa doesn't look very comfy with the arms etc
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