Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

*Resists urge to tell people to get their speakers at least a foot from the wall and to decouple speakers from resonant desks... fails* soz.

In all honesty, a lot of the setups posted in here are placed fine in my opinion.
Those that are front ported are placed fine, those that are not actually do look like about a foot away from the wall. As for those that are placed directly on desks, well that depends on the user whether they're experiencing such issues and playing music that would even have an affect..

Hell, it depends on the listener to how they want to hear the sound, they can place the speakers wherever they like, be it upside-down or horizontal.
Swapped Samsung 55inch 7 series for Samsung PS64D8000.


Cods-Nostril, any chance you could list whats there? I'm guessing the floorstanders are proac's.

yep Proac response 3' research ls16 mk2 pre amp and a vtl 5.5 pre amp i'm testing....melos 402 gold valve monoblocks.....accustic arts cd player...nottingham analog hyperspace turntable...mostly tara labs cables...and a old sony dvd.

the tv is at that height coz we have 8ft wide pc station with 3 pc's at other end of the room facing tv so have to look over the screens hehe.
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How much was it mate?

Got it from Currys next day delivery

Extra £100 off, no delivery charge plus two sets of glasses for about £2400. Think they only had 12 in stock and the glasses offer was from Xmas stock, dont know whether it was Currys only offer or all Xmas stock offer.
Worth every penny in my book, could not find a review that did not give it 5 stars. With professional cals been posted as well makes 100% difference.
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1st Post!

Some of this stuff is mine.. the AE Aegis Neo speakers and Marantz amp, the other setup is my brothers, although the Sony TV is mine :-) Old school LCD.







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Moved house a couple of weeks ago. I'm now in a 1st floor flat which has put my plans to get a sub on hold for a little while.



It's not set out as well as my last house which had me sat right in the middle of the speakers. I'm not too bothered about the fronts but the rears certainly need positioning properly.

I don't want to move the sofa too much as it'll start to cut into the room so I'm thinking some taller stands which will allow me to increase the angle of the rear speakers. The one in the corner really suffers.

edit... After reading the comments below, I rearranged the room. At first I wasn't keen about having the sofa cutting into the room but I'm starting to get used to it.

It now looks like this;




You can see my reflection in the TV. This was with me sat in the middle of the sofa. The rear speakers are also MUCH better placed and the whole set-up sounds completely different as you'd expect!
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This is the 55 inch Samsung that was main tv in living room above (2 posts), now replacing 40 inch Samsung in computer room.




With my Ruark Spectre`s still one of the best speakers i have ever heard, sadly now downgraded to playing mp3`s.
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