Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

Just got myself a new Panny P42ST60 for £570 - albeit only with 2 year warranty. Pretty chuffed with that. Will be my first plasma! I played around with one at my local panasonic store and just had to have it! Even though I didn't buy it from them (much too expensive there: £850....) They let me load up quake live and if I'm honest I really couldn't feel much lag wise. It felt fine playing. I'm guessing if you're competitive in any sort of way it would be a bother but if not then I don't see the problem.

Care to divulge where you bought it? :)
Finished my new speakers. Not the best so far but I'm putting it down to my current amp as I've also heard them on the end of some Ming Da valve mono blocks and they sounded very good.


I've got an Astin Trew AS2000 plus in the loft I'm going to bring down today so expecting a big improvement.

Argh. Link was huge so changed to a link till I sort. The flaw with uploading from my phone on the mobile imgur website!
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Speaking of Blok... Slowly putting my lounge back together -


Couple of weeks old but its now more christmassy and I've also put in my Hifi bits, Musical Fidelity M3i, M1Clic and an old Marantz CD63 Mk2 Ki Sig.
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