Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

very very nice poltergeist666, how much that screen set you back :eek:

Cheers - Bought it when they first came out on the market, just before last
Christmas - £8000.

50" front? lol I thought it was a 42". how big is the one at the back then?

The one at the back is the 65" 1080P Panny TH65PX600
One at the front, is a 50" Pioneer PDP504HDE

That sub is lush! Looks like a coffee table with the glass(?) top. Love it.

Cheers - it's also the baddest, best sounding coffee table I know of. :-)

what speakers are they and is that the centre thats up really high?

The main L/R's are Acoustic Energy AELite 2's.
That is indeed the centre speaker, a KEF Centre 200 - and your'e right, it's location is far from ideal. I wanted to keep the panel as low as possible, so the centre speaker position was the trade off.

But, it don't sound half bad!!!
I run.......
  • TagMcLaren AV32R 7.1 with 192KHz DACs actually used to the test unit of the great Dr Udo Zucker himself Serial no 22.
  • Tag McLaren DV32FLR
  • Parasound HCA2205 5 channel power amp
  • Parasound HCA1000 2 channel power amp for EX channel
  • Kef Reference Model 4s
  • Kef Reference Centre 200
  • Kef Reference RDM 1 for side and back surround
  • B&W ASW 4000 subwoofer
  • SKY+ box
  • Panasonic S'VHS deck
  • XBOX
  • Quad Core PC with Vista 64bit connected to the TAG digitally.
  • Pioneer CLD97 Elite LDP
  • Meridian 519 RF Demodulator
  • Sony 29" Display
  • 100mm thick granite plinths for Model 4's
  • Centre 200 wall mounted on custom brackets and Nordost Pulsar points.
  • Nordost, Chord and QED cables.

One day I'll have HDTV :)


OCuk Proof 006.JPG

OCuk Proof 005.JPG

OCuk Proof 002.JPG

You will note the CLD97 has the lid off and is facing the wrong way. That's because I am waiting for my new optical assembly to be returned after recalibration and repair.

The monitor in the first picture is my new 226BW. The PC case is an Antec 182 with a self made window in the door. Also there are four rears but I can only fit three in. The printer a Samsung 2250 and the PC are on the subwoofer.
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Heres mine:
(They're thumbnails btw)

Some Info:
TV: Samsung M87 46" 1080p
Hifi: Sharp CDBK2100 Bi-amp system (200 watts rms total) (hooked to tv aux)
Sky digibox

HTPC (hooked to tv with dvi-hdmi cable):

CPU: Athlon 64 3200+ 2ghz (oc'd to 2.6Ghz) +Zalman cnp9500
mobo: asus a8v deluxe
mem: 2x 512 mb corsair dual channel kit
gfx: Geforce 7800 256mb
hdd1: 80 GB WD IDE (for win XP, family photos and music collection)
hdd2: 250gb WD Sata (for TV shows)
hdd3: 500gb WD sata (for high definition downloads)
Logitech LX710 cordless desktop
Cheap 550 watt psu
Xbox controller (modded for pc USB)

Comment Please!
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Finally got round to getting a wall mount, got a troy one for £60 with a moving arm and it tilts, tis nice but instructions where pot and it had 4 1 inch screws, my dad got some 4 inch ones which make it rock solid to the wall.

This is with it moved to the left meaning I can watch or play from my PC Chair which is a bonus on those non-moveable wall mounts.

This the behind
Heres mine:
(They're thumbnails btw)

Hifi: Sharp CDBK2100 Bi-amp system (200 watts rms total) (hooked to tv aux)
Sky digibox

Comment Please!


If you can try to demo some hi-fi separates. It'l make you realise how much torture your ears are actually receiving from that system.

Nice tv !

If you can try to demo some hi-fi separates. It'l make you realise how much torture your ears are actually receiving from that system.

Nice tv !


do u mean my speakers are crap when you say torture, ie. bad sound quality

OR do you mean they are good as in the bass is torturing my eardrums?

'cos they sound pretty good
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do u mean my speakers are crap when you say torture, ie. bad sound quality

OR do you mean they are good as in the bass is torturing my eardrums?

'cos they sound pretty good

erm these all-in-one cheapy micro/midi systems are ALL crap unless you go for a higher quality branded teac, denon etc. Get a cheapy stereo integrated amp and some bookshelf speakers and you will be amazed how good music will sound. I used to have a sytem liek that, then got some bassy pc speakers, now im moving up the hi-fi separates tree... Il never go back.

If you want any advice then shoot me an e-mail or post a thread in this hi-fi section, il leave this thread now for piccies.

do u mean my speakers are crap when you say torture, ie. bad sound quality

Pretty much, friend of mine has a Sharp system like that (not the exact one I don't think) and jesus did it sound bad even compared to my basic Hi-Fi system. Very nice TV though :)
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