Post your mobile phone desktop!

That leather background looks awesome. Thanks!

Just need to get a custom launcher now I think and change some of the standard icons around... Looking for rounded square type icons, preferably with a shiny silver outline...

Bit like this...

Here's mine [UPDATED]:


Lamboman - where did you get those from? ;)
here's how mine sits at the moment.. still not happy with the widget lockers theme.. might change soon :)



widget locker
desktop visualizer
minimalistic text

icons in the home screen are done by me - just 2 of them :)

How my SGS2 currently stands using:

- Launcher Pro
- WidgetLocker
- Minimalistic Text
- SwitchPro

Still playing about with Minimalistic text to get battery display as I want it on the lock screen.

Does anyone know of an app/widget to display SMS and email notifications on the lockscreen? I want something small and simple, I've tried adding a shortcut to the messaging/gmail app and resizing the grid to make the icon smaller, but it crops and looks stupid.

Ideally I'd like the icons to be the same as the ones on the launcher bar so I can have them either side above the slider, but I haven't worked out how yet!
thats it! now im happy with my lockscreen.. and homescreen.. :) but i keep changing them EVERY SINGLE DAY someone STOP ME :D:D:D


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