Post your mobile phone desktop!

Suave icons

PlayerPro (very much worth buying, I love it)

The date is Minimalistic Text with custom fonts, Transformers is one and the other is Harabara, you can get them both here.
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Massive change on mine now, totally different to before :p

Simian what calendar app are you using? Well calendar/tasks.

Sorry to be late dood... Job hunting at the mo so not had time to come on here till today!!..

Anyhew its 'Simple Calendar Widget' which is designed to look like the SiMi-Clock widget...

there are various sizes of widget and its very customisable, Text, Font, Colour etc... :cool:
I've not long rooted my phone (wildfire HTC locked bootloader nonsense, finally cured with alpharevx) and have just started configuring CM7.

My one question, that I can't seem to find a nice simple answer for is, HOW DO I ADD NEW ICON PACKS?! :p

Are they flashed through clockworkmod or is it a simple case of moving a file to a folder.

If someone could give me a nice simple guide or link I'd be grateful.

There are icon packs on the market that integrate into different Launchers.

I just download a folder of icon images and put them all on manually though (via Go Launcher Ex).
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