Post your mobile phone desktop!

I like that one Rob, looks much better :)

What's your agenda widget? Not sure I really need a full grid calendar any more - it's a massive ram-hungry widget that I rarely use...
My sensation with virtuous inquisition ICS ROM



A little basic but super fast :)
Hi all,

I have just updated to the DGB mod on my Desire, it's great but I want to customize the front screen like you guys have. I pathetically like how you guys have battery % and details in the notification area.

Trouble is I have looked all through settings and can find nothing to help me adjust stuff, i presume you guys are using a app - if so, which one?

Hi all,

I have just updated to the DGB mod on my Desire, it's great but I want to customize the front screen like you guys have. I pathetically like how you guys have battery % and details in the notification area.

Trouble is I have looked all through settings and can find nothing to help me adjust stuff, i presume you guys are using a app - if so, which one?


Any help with this please guys?
After almost a year I have changed my layout and gone even more minimal but removed the all black background for a more....textured one which I Photoshopped from leaves and text from another I saw posted on XDA :p


No more weather widget, will just manually launch it if I want to check the forecast. What weather apps are people using btw?


Would it be possible to get a link to the bottom icons with the coloured bars above them.... Not sure if you just have those 4 or you have others for the market etc?

Ta :)
Is there something I can download to remove the battery and clock info from my status bar? I'm running ICS on a rooted HTC One V. Mainly because I have BattsStatt and Simi Clock setup, so I don't need them also on my status bar.

Many thanks.
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