Post your mobile phone desktop!

No worries :) I found the app icons in a .zip on XDA, then modified from there. The launcher icon's all mine.

EDIT: stuck a load more into the DB I've done including all-white app icons
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I've given up on waiting for a decent black bar theme so will forever stick with grey as much as I do dislike the grey bar...I've matched it up with a suitable wallpaper now too ¬_¬

What's that weather forecast widget everyone seems to be using? Is that a stock one? I'm not using an android phone at the moment so I wouldn't know :)
nice, whats the ADW skin (that is ADW widgets for twitter right?)

Hmm, may have to change my homescreens again............:o :p

What is the news/RSS widget on the right?


Change is good!



BTW benjo, can you upload the browser icon please :)

Thanks guys :)

Using Nova launcher beta and i'm using the small icon setting. All icons are stock except the app drawer which reflux posted.

The widget is gReader pro.
reflux if you have time, could you also modify and resize the below icon (one with and without the drop shadow) as you have done with those other icons please :)


Tried doing it myself, but I don't have a clue how to use photoshop for most things :o :p :(
Going for a minimalistic look. Although im not sure about the wallpaper yet. Can anyonepoint me in the direction of a site with lots of good phone wallpapers?

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