No it's like chatting to a another customer and saying to them "eee this is expensive it's cheaper at xxx place" The manager might not like it but he can't do a thing. I visited overclockers shop last week, but I would have every right to talk to someone and say something, in fact I did mention my disappointment at OC not having the 810 CM case only the old one (he was checking out the stacker also). As long as I don't shout out "HEY HEY IT'S CHEAPER ELSEWARE!"

Do you see store managers lifting old ladies out of the store after spotting them chatting about the price of coffee? No way.
As long as you state facts I don't see the problem. Competition is good, unless you want all of the pie. But then it becomes too aggressive and customers go elseware (my point about other forums/email) ie PM's then chatting via email mean the rules are basically a waste of time.
And to the other poster that "I'm lazy" I'm not, when I do shop around properly I'll do so, I only had a quick look. Is the word pricerunner also banned? What about Google? Personally I think forums ran by the associated company is a bad idea and stifles free someone might say XYZ computer case (which isn't available at OC) is much better than ABC (which is) would the mods dislike that post also? I noticed in another thread that a company in another country is "competitor" too. That's going way to far for the rules IMO. As long as posters don't constant harp on about another company, or are a employee with them it does no harm. People know ebay/xxx/yyy exist already.