**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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** Fallout 4 announced!!! **

So after YEARS of waiting, finally there is something concrete! :D


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urg as I said before, it looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again
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Troll, trolllla, lol, lol, lolllll, trollllll!
urg as I said before, it looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again

That isn't indicative of it being in the Gamebryo engine, because the Gamebryo engine can do highly detailed models. You should already know this due to the amount of highly detailed model mods available for Fallout 3/NV and Skyrim...
As I said before :

It looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again. People getting hyped, way way too early especially as that trailer, wasn't that good
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urg as I said before, it looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again

Yup, no surprise there then.

Gamebryo, the Sepp Blatter of game-engines.
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