**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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Also 3 minutes is pretty damn generous for a first look at the game, thought it was just gonna be a cinematic trailer with a bunch of cuts in-between, ready for the full thing to be revealed at e3.

"Watch the official in-game trailer for Fallout 4 – the next generation of open-world gaming from the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Game Studios. Tune into Bethesda’s E3 Showcase on Sunday, June 14th at 7:00pm PT to see the world premiere of the game."

Looks like we'll most likely get gameplay after all too :D
Gamebryo is a hugely capable engine and I don't think no other engine gives Bethshshda the flexibility they need for the sandbox game that they always deliver. I just hope they've upgraded it so that it takes advantage of the latest gpu's because Skyrim was DX9 iirc.
Seriously, WHY?

Do tell, what are people seeing in this trailer to get all jissed over? Is it just because it's fallout?

He's booking a week off work to play it when it comes out... It's kinda obvious that he's a big Fallout fan...

Are you just moaning for the sake of moaning?

As I said before :

It looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again. People getting hyped, way way too early especially as that trailer, wasn't that good

As I said before, that doesn't mean it's in the Gamebryo engine, as it's more than capable of using very highly detailed character models.

Maybe people like different things more than yourself :rolleyes:

Neil doesn't do other people's opinions too well, they seem to upset him.
Gamebryo is a hugely capable engine and I don't think no other engine gives Bethshshda the flexibility they need for the sandbox game that they always deliver. I just hope they've upgraded it so that it takes advantage of the latest gpu's because Skyrim was DX9 iirc.

Yeah, GameBryo isn't just inherently bad, and a game that uses it isn't bad either. Engines can be changed, optimised, etc.
You all got hyped over that?

No, it was hype generated by what it potentially was. How is anyone supposed to know that's all we'll get? Anyway, enough of us that played 3 will be looking forward to 4 anyway so anything's worthwhile!
Seriously, WHY?

Do tell, what are people seeing in this trailer to get all jissed over? Is it just because it's fallout?

For me (and my semi...), yep. Just because it's fallout. Love the pre-war setting implied in the trailer too.
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