That Antec looks a very cramped case, you may well have a problem. :confused:

Rather than relying on supposition, I think we need a few more facts here! (The link in your post doesn't work for me, btw!)

If I am allowed to post a link to another forum, the very same question was asked at http://www.overclock.net/t/975577/antec-mini-p180-and-graphics-card and the second page, at least has some interesting images and links which may be of some use to 'Rockbottom'.

I hope these help anyway! :)
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Rather than relying on supposition, I think we need a few more facts here! (The link in your post doesn't work for me, btw!)

If I am allowed to post a link to another forum, the very same question was asked at http://www.overclock.net/t/975577/antec-mini-p180-and-graphics-card and the second page, at least has some interesting images and links which may be of some use to 'Rockbottom'.

I hope these help anyway! :)

Fine, but that does mean removing stuff from the case I think? Was just offering an opinion btw :p
I take it you ordered one when they were Asus V2's for pre-order?
These don't seem to have been booked in yet ; OCUK ones :(

The site still has the £89.99 offer up, claiming the OcUK but the actual GPU has always been the Asus one all along. I don't know about now since the Asus ones are in stock now. Today may be the last day to still get the Asus one? Best to ask.
The site still has the £89.99 offer up, claiming the OcUK but the actual GPU has always been the Asus one all along. I don't know about now since the Asus ones are in stock now. Today may be the last day to still get the Asus one? Best to ask.

I know they're the same, but two listings, yours is now ; http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-269-AS&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1866

Although you paid 89.99 for it.
So, those who ordered when it was listed as that, as 89.99 should get despatched today.

Those who ordered when it was the OCUK listing won't be getting theres despatched today as we're still on pre-order.
Yet same stock =/.

Although I hope I'm wrong.
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I know they're the same, but two listings, yours is now ; http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-269-AS&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1866

Although you paid 89.99 for it.

It's been like that for several days now. If, say, yesterday you purchased the pre-order offer for £89.99 (the one that say it's an OcUK card), you would be receiving the Asus card (from the page you linked above). But now that the Asus have come in stock, I don't know which one you would get.

Sorry if this is already how you understand it too, it's a little bit confusing. :p
You're misunderstanding me.

Two listings for same card, one's at a higher price due to Asus.
The cards have came in, but they've only booked one listing.

To make it short and sweet.

I purchased an OCUK one on Friday, knowing it was the Asus.
However, while the stock is in, the listing doesn't reflect that for the OCUK listing, but does for the separate Asus listing, despite same stock/card.
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Let's just say, I'm not expecting these tomorrow. :p

Oh, ye of little faith! ;)

If it is coming with someone like DPD it looks as if you might receive it tomorrow after all then.

I must say I was starting to get a bit anxious (for those who had ordered one) as it was getting a bit late in the day!

Hopefully they will be able to get them all out today though... eevn if it does mean a bit of overtime! :)
You're misunderstanding me.

Two listings for same card, one's at a higher price due to Asus.
The cards have came in, but they've only booked one listing.

To make it short and sweet.

Told you I was confused. :p

What do you mean by 'booked' though?
Oh, ye of little faith! ;)

If it is coming with someone like DPD it looks as if you might receive it tomorrow after all then.

I must say I was starting to get a bit anxious (for those who had ordered one) as it was getting a bit late in the day!

Hopefully they will be able to get them all out today though... eevn if it does mean a bit of overtime! :)

I'm hoping mine's delayed! I've got exams Tue-Wed-Thurs! :eek:

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